Jul 18, 2009 20:21
it rained today
the sky was a heavy cerulean blanket edged in smoky indigo, and beneath that a deep golden white,
and then the storm yanked off the mantle to reveal blooming variegated grays and whites and suddenly the universe pinpointed this city and flung itself artlessly in its ardor to the ground like a man to his prince,
and i stood on the balcony with freezing billows of rain buffeting my naked legs and shoulders and feet and hands and arms,
soaking my white dress so it clung to my skin as a joyful child might to a long-lost relative
and i stretched my hands to the falling frozen joy and laughed as my hair roped and beaded around my face and my dark skin glistened and my heart raced
poetry whispered in my ears
wind roared over my head
i shivered.
i shouted.
i laughed.
now i am showered and dress again and my hair still drips and there is auburn amber melting across the sky and leaving pink clouds in rosy relief against its backdrop.
now is the kind of moment for being caught in the embrace of a lover, kisses on my warm soap-scented skin and soft murmurs breathed through my curved lips to pour into his ear. now is the kind of moment for being taught what each nerve ending beneath the dusky melatonin-heavy sheath of my skin feels like,
how fingers and palms curve against my wide childbearerneverbones
and the taste of beautiful tattooed on my mouth and my body by his tongue,
whoever he is.
this evening promises someday,
and i choose to hope.
sensual smoke sighs,