Aug 11, 2008 17:02
just posted music. Heh. So let's see...
Got my 5 eyes for ohat last night. Now to find an alchemist.... /stare Benny or Faren
Helped LOTS this weekend. Got Todd his Tenzen fight, Takun his... everything. Let's see... 1) Ultima/Omega airship battle 2) Unlocking gun of trials 3) Detonator NM there (which Ono and Garret rock. Joined to help too after the fly ate my face).
More campaign. Goddamnit trying to hit wings rank for my SEXY cobra gear on DNC but no matter how much I do the council still won't give me anything. I'm now almost 20k into level (from being 0) on campaign alone. Then I do campaign ops too! /cry ; ;
Hung out with Pops some. He's been having a hard time lately with his GF in the hospital. So company and distraction helps.
Been super productive lately. Revamped how I manage my workflow and it's going REALLY well. We're talking 100 open issues to 24. Part of it was work flow, part of it was just destroying anything old that I hadn't heard back from a customer if the bug was fixed or not. *might* come back to bite me in the ass, but really. If there's a bug, you patch in a fix, try to check if it's okay, and the site doesn't get back to you for 6 months... it's probably okay.
All set to attend programmer training. Just need to be scheduled. :) Talking with Monika more, I see she really isn't *trying* to keep me back conciously. Most of it is unconcious because our group is so overworked, the rest of it is just she's as busy as the rest of us. It felt weird giving her some recommendations on her work flow, but maybe will help her. Getting CC'd on every bug for 7 specialists when we've got hundreds of issues really is destroying her inbox so she has to wade through bullshit to see the important stuff. No wonder she never gets to anything in a timely manner. =/
Harry just heard back that he's "hopefully" got a job. They'll be starting him Wednesday for 2 nights a week which isn't that amazing, but /shrug. It's better than nothing. I still think 5 months to get a 2 night a week job at a gas station isn't that great but I should stop bitching. It's something.
Jere might have a job with this electrician place in Wellesley. They said he can start as soon as their journeyman gets out of the hospital. They expect about a week... I'm always skeptical. It's not official till it's in paper, and just how bad was he injured to land him in the hospital?
I'm still a very chubby Ginger. Trying different things. I've been unable to wake up early enough to go for my 30 minute walks lately. i still go on my lunch walks with doug though. But trying to find more ways to be more active that involve little/no money.
Maybe once Harry's working nights there I can start playing DDR again. I feel horribly self concious doing anything around him because he stares. It's not just me. He stares at the cats, at Jere, it's just how he looks at things. But it feels hawkish. Cats will do this too, but if it makes you uncomfortable, just look em in the eye and they look away again trying not to be confrontational. Harry doesn't get this subtle "eye speak" that I'm used to with cats, and most humans do it unconciously too.
So something I'm starting is trying Atkins. Yes, rant if you like how no carbs is bad for you and eating that much meat is worse. But I was thinking about it anthropologically. Fact of the matter is plants are not year round in most places of the world. Tropical areas sure, but otherwise not. So humans were originally hunter gatherers, and during times where there weren't plants guess what they ate? Meat. Maybe some preserves, but mostly meat. Then during spring/summer again, went to plants again. So eating mostly protein things with little carbs won't kill you. It probably just signals to your body that it's winter time like it did for our ancestors. Which might be how people manage to lose weight on it. Body says, "awww crap winter time. Guess I should be willing to use up these fat reserves now."
I'm probably overthinking it, but so far not bad. I can't complain when I get a bacon and cheese omelet for breakfast, grilled chicken on top of salad for lunch, and burgers (just minus the bun) for dinner. Or I did some nice fish the other day. Mmmm fish! Kitteh likes fish.
Yeah, I'm actually getting my ass in gear because my doctor is trying to have me go to a bariatric surgeon. I'm not that bad, but she's looking at my family history too. For example, my mother. She's only 400 or so pounds... -_- And my father's overweight too, also a type 2 diabetic. So I appreciate her trying, but I'd rather not have surgery for something I should be able to do myself. Though it guess it's all the fad these days since I see girls who have little more than a muffintop getting surgery. Doctors probably like it for the money. Though when push comes to shove, I'd rather not end up like my mother. Last time I went to see her they had to get her out of bed with this little crane thing. UGH! Honestly she revolts me in every possible sense. Though I feel like a bad person when I say that.
Anyway, my rants aside... here's for trying to be a good Ginger.
For some reason I've been seriously digging the "New Age" channel off of DI.FM lately. It's relaxing at work when generally I want to strangle hospitals like the one today... "Um, we have lots of system errors."
I check, "yes you do and data sequencing issues too. Those generally happen if the socket is lost during transfers. Did your network go out or the server freeze up?"
"Oh, we restarted it this morning."
"With transfers running?!? O_o"
"You mean we're supposed to stop them?"
/facepalm "Yes. You don't want to reboot it while it's in the middle of sending data."
"Oh so we have to call you when we want to reboot?"
"Uh, if you want. But why not just set downtime in the parameters so it does it automatically for you?"
"Oh?! How do we do that?!?"
/facepalms some more. Apparently not only did they not listen in training, not look at any manuals, but apparently have never even looked at the program as it has an option right from the menu "Set Downtime".
But so I show her how to do that. Then proceed to start cleaning up their system for them because I'm so goddamn nice. I clean out their errors, clear out the processes and refresh them all. For some reason I still get fatal errors... checking why, they had NO space in their database and had capped the allocation. Now seriously. If you're going to do maintenance on the machine and reboot it, why not check sql while you're at it? You know?
Seriously, there needs to be an IQ test to run this product. Like the DB "admin" the other day I had to explain the difference between drive size, allocated db size, and space used to him. No. Really. And he didn't even know about taskpad view when running SQL 2000. How the fuck is this guy an "admin"?
So thank you, thank you for the soothing music on the Ambient and New Age channels. It has prevented the homicide of many hospital staff.
I really wanted to go on a whale watch this year. But never had the spare money. =/ Lousy Harry.
I also really wanted to go to the beach too. =/
And this is probably why I don't write more. I get too ranty. Only bright side so far is hanging out with Takun. He's got a dry wit and some sly sarcasm that just cracks me up. That and I love any excuse to get him on Skype because dear gosh does a real austrlian accent sound hot. :X But you didn't hear me say that... shhhh