
Jun 29, 2007 21:52

Yoinked from
heerodiscarded as it got me all introspective.

Beware of possible TMI.

Then again, if that kind of thing bothers you, then I've probably scarred you already with my trans babble.

And warning for the occasional snark. I think I did a pretty good job of holding it back.

1. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?

Maybe once in elementary school for some important reason that I don't remember.

2. Who was your last received call?

Probably my mother.

3. What's your relationship status?

Single, and I'm too tired to think of a sarcastic comment right now.

4. What things will you not eat?

Most spicy things, anything carbonated, most cheeses, salad dressings, cream of wheat, eggs in any form, fatty meat (the kind with those gobs stuck all over... *brr*) most fast food, mushrooms and peppers and green onions, most seafood, mysterious mixes of truth-knows-what....

I like sugar and carbs. Tea is my life elixir. I like chocolate and cookies and cake and fruits. And bread and pasta (with no funky sauces, red only!)

5. What color is your underwear?

*shifty eyes* At home or on the go? When I leave the house, whatever usually darkish color boxers I pulled out of the drawer.

6. When is the last time you went out of state?

France trip 2 years ago. Heavily medicated, I must add.

7. What's something you MUST do before you die?


(Snark aside, I really do mean that. I do not feel as if I am truly 'living' right now; I'm just going through the motions to survive.)

8. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?

I have some lactose issues, so no. I wouldn't do it to anything else unless I was alone (got chided by mom once) and was finishing off the container.

9. Can you hula hoop?

Dunno, but I'd try just to find out if I could do so.

10. Have you ever crawled through a window?

Yes, out my sister's to test the fire escape ladder, and out mine once to walk on the roof (and test MY escape ladder).

11. Was today better than yesterday?

Definitely not. Really want details?

12. Is anyone getting on your nerves?

Depends how grumpy I am at any given moment.

13. Do you talk to yourself?


14. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

Shotgun, sure. Technically speaking, he's not a person, though.
Before that, it must've been mom or grandma, and yes, I'd do that again.

15. Do you collect anything?

Definitely. I have shelves full of manga. I try to collect pretty male anime figurines, but those are so few and far between... Ah, Dollfies, too. But their price range curtails the collection size...

16. Ever waxed your eyebrows?

No. I don't like pain.

17. Earrings or necklaces?

Earrings, but I don't wear them often.

18. Are you mad at anybody?

Just a bunch of idiots.

19. What is your favorite color?


20. What are you doing?

Typing an entry on my LJ.

21. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?

Occasionally I use the simpler ones for emphasis.

22. What are you doing tonight?

Taking an anti-panic attack pill and trying to get some decent sleep.

23. What time is it?

10:33pm PST

24. Are you loud?

Completely dependent upon the situation.

25. What are you looking forward to?

Fixing the grammar of the above question.
I'm not feeling good today, obviously.

I have little proof that there's even a small chance of it happening, but I would look forward to the day where I could be rid of my depression and live in a small house with lots of land... and have a lover and be sort of a 'house-husband' (some cleaning, fixing things, taming the yard...) with an income just large enough to cover my hobbies *cough* *manga* ...I'd do a few different things like publish my book and a comic, perhaps sell ABJD jewelry... maybe even have a small, enjoyable part-time job. My man would probably have a more steady income than me; perhaps I'm just around for the dark comedic relief.

26. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?

I haven't seen even one episode and plan to see none.

27. Have you ever watched a little kids show?

I was a kid, so...

28. What does your last outbox text say?

I forwarded Dark Horse's reply of an inquiry of mine to my sister.

29. What's your zodiac sign?

Paradoxically, Leo.

30. Are you wearing socks?

No, and rarely if I can avoid it. The toes like being free.

31. What's your favorite smell?

I have lost most of my sense of smell. Jasmine downy pearl tea, I think.
(And for the record, no, I didn't snort anything hazardous. It just died inexplicably.)

32. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster?

Yes, mild ones. I am not a big fan of them.

33. Do you care what others think about you?

'Definitely' and 'Absolutely Not' at the same time.

34. What do you do all the time in a car?

Sing along with my ipod.

35. Do you trust people easily?

Not Anymore.

Ten Facts
1. Hometown:

Fremont, CA. Born here and currently sitting here like a rock. (It's between San Francisco and San Jose.)

2. Hair Color: brown

3. Height: 5'3''

4. Hair style:

Usually long, straight, and pulled back into a ponytail, but a few hours ago it got lopped down to 3" long and my ponytail was donated to become a wig for a cancer patient.

5. Eye color: brown

6. Birthday: August 13, 1987

7. Mood: mildly disgruntled

8. Crush's name: I'd have to get out of the house for that.

9. Available: once I'm stable again.

10. Lefty/righty: Righty.

Ten This Or Thats

1. Love or lust?: Lust is easy, so love.

2. Hard liquor or beer?: only if I have a death wish.

3. Cats or dogs?: I'm used to cats, but dogs are fine, too.

4. A few best friends or many regular friends?: A few close ones.

5. Television or Internet?: Internet. Usually all I watch on TV is COPS.

6. Pepsi or coke?: Tea. I can't drink anything carbonated.

7. Wild night out or romantic night in?: Romantic night in.

8. Black or white?: Dogma.

9. Night or day?: Early morning.

10. Instant Messenger or phone?: *hides*

Ten Have You Evers

1. Been caught sneaking out?: Never snuck out...

2. Caught making out? Yes, but only once could it be considered being 'caught'.

3. Done something you regret?: No. I am not a man of regrets.

4. Bungee jumped?: NO.

5. Been on a house boat?: No. I don't like boats much. I feel trapped.

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker?: Chocked on one once in the hallway in 8th grade.

7. Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?:

...I've had years of pain for want of something as basic as gender.

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back?:

No, I'll be running the other way.

9. Cried because you lost a pet?: I think so.

10. Wanted to disappear?: Done so. I mastered the art in high school. Well, almost. You can always see my toes.
That done, I had a panic attack at 4am last night after a dream and some resulting paranoia. I wasn't sure if it was WWII or WWIII, but the bejeebers were getting bombed out of everything and I was too shaky and fazed to punch mom's number into the cell phone. I then awoke with a paranoia that there was someone in the house that didn't belong there...

I didn't find anyone when I went to find my pills.

Just had to get that out of my system. It's been bugging me to the point where I'm a little afraid of going to bed.

I'ma gonna get more tea. Let's see if peppermint helps me get sleepy

anxiety, panic attack, meme, dream

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