I apologize for sporadically pimping my LJ for this man, but I got in contact with the artist recently, asking if there was a way to purchase an out of print CD directly from him. He offered to copy it and ship it to me free of charge. I offered to buy several CDs off of him for his time, and as a result, for the cost of purchasing the out of print CD on E-Bay, I'm now having shipped to me from France 5 of his cds.
His music is...different...he plays...a 60 in one instrument made from 1920's erector-set style toys. It has a spartan rhythm to it, and has been described as a fusion of acoustic meets electronica (something I find a bit inaccurate, depending on the Cd, but whatever). I heartily endorse L'Orchestre Thermo-dynamique, which is my personal image of Bladerunner meets Steampunk.
You can listen to a few songs of his, here: