Snooow, snow, and more snow

Jan 26, 2016 22:43

So It snowed over the weekend. And kept snowing. And then it snowed some more. I think we get a big dumping at least once a year, and every couple of years we get a really spectacular accumulation. We were about due. I've heard this particular snowfall called "Snowzilla." I agree with this name. I think we got at least 30 inches, with of course  deeper accumulation in snowdrift areas.

Kudos to my hubbie for plowing out our driveway built into the side of the hill. Today, I made myself useful and dug our trash cans out of a four foot deep snowbank. My glamorous life!!!!

The schools have just given up. Tomorrow, they are still closed and we are on day six of no school. It's basically winter break part 2. I'm kind of down with it. Thankfully everyone has video games to play, and I have Tumblr, and no one has killed anyone yet. We are running low on supplies though. I will brave partially-plowed streets tomorrow to forage out for sustenance.

Dylan and Bri and I did a grocery run on Thursday before the snow hit. It wasn't too crowded when we went fairly late at night, but the soup and frozen food section was kind of picked through. I love that everyone FREAKS the hell out and has to run to the store and get everything white - bread, milk, and toilet paper.

I don't mind telling you that I spent 48 hours in the same pj pants and fleece top. It's January. It's Snowzilla. It's allowed. ;)
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