itchy itchy itchy

Aug 29, 2015 09:15

So my son asked me what we have planned for the weekend, and my first thoughts were oh, I thought I'd sit around and put lotion on my poison ivy rash every twenty minutes. Sadly I returned from MS with a speckle of welts and red bumps starting on my left palm, radiating over the back of my hand, and stretching down my forearm. I'm pretty sure ground zero contact happened when I went in to my parents' side yard to retrieve a deflated mylar balloon that had landed there. Sigh. My past experiences tell me its a good two weeks before all the bumps are gone.

So I accidentally bought a tube of the pink crap. I wasn't going to put it on. It looks so awful, dried and cracking over your skin. I have lost all dignity. I am glopping the pink stuff all over myself to dry and crack. At least it doesn't get all over things like the hydrocortisone in a petroleum base. That stuff stays tacky forever and gets on EVERTHING. Sticky computer. Sticky phone. Sigh.
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