Oct 11, 2006 09:23
yeah yeah yeah i know its been waaay too long since i last updated this thing....just busier than usual this year. and unfortunately its not going as well as i would like. alot of my classes are bs.....3 of which i'm taking because i have to. it's great that pr is in the cmat dept but its lumped in w/ journalism so if you're like me and wanting to go into pr...to bad cuz they're gonna teach you journalism! there's literally like 2 classes geared towards pr.......the rest are geared towards journalism w/ a few having a slight inkling towards pr. take the class i'm in right now for example.....feature writing. i'm not getting a degree to learn how to write stories and go into journalism. yes i understand that in pr i'm going to have to write some but i know damned well i'm not going to have to write 2500 word minimum stories! hell even my public affairs reporting class and my interview class really have yet to teach me anything. why am i spending so much money on something that seems to be so worthless? really i have no fucking clue....oh wait yeah i do....my parents wanted me to go to college; i can't do marketing cuz i suck balls at math; and i'm being stubborn about sticking w/ it since i've come this far and i'm gonna have bills out the ass from it anyway. i have but one thing to say about all this....AARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! well that feels a lil better but i think i could just use a night to relax and get trashed and unwind w/ friends. thankfully lisa's halloween party is coming up....i just really hope i can go. oh yeah and on top of all this school bs i once again managed to make an ass out of myself when talking to chris' dad.....i seem to be good at making an ass out of myself. cest la vie i guess it teaches me how to vent in a more healthy way and it def teaches humility i suppose. other than that i'm pretty sure my feature writing prof doesn't like me anymore...she seemed to at the beginning of the semester...but now not so much and i know i brought it on myself....so i'm not having a pitty party just venting cuz it helps (so feel free to stop reading...and if you've read this far....wow congrats and thanks :) ) but yeah back to the fact where i've made my prof hate me lol. basically its a 9am class and i hate mornings and come most fridays its impossible for me to drag my ass out of bed...so yeah i've missed more classes than i wanted to (i don't know how many exactly....just too many). and then there's the matter of our last assignment....a feature article on something we thought was interesting and it had to be a min of 2500 words....that's alot of words lol. i picked the bound and gagged improv group and yeah i got started waaay too late which was my own fault too...but i digress. so in the end my paper was a little over 1000 words long cuz i couldn't think of anything else to write about....much less have any idea how i was supposed to go about writing this monster assignment....I'M NOT A FUCKING JOURNALIST/WRITER!!!!! so i emailed it to her (i skipped class so i could try to complete the damned thing) and apologized for it being waaaay under the min and it being late and let her know that i took full responsibility and understood that all these things meant a major drop in grade....and that i felt that in this case if i had pushed it to 2500 words it wouldn't be worth the time to read and i prefer quality over quantity. she wasn't too happy w/ that...understandably so....and that's fine. today she's handing the papers back and she tells me that since i "didn't do the assignment it wasnt' worth the time to read".....doesn't make me very happy esp if i get a 0 cuz there's at least some effort....but i understand where she's coming from. cest la vie hopefully i'll do better on the next one which i think has a word requirement of 1000-2500 and she's picking the topics....sine alot of us picked topics that didn't give us enough (apparently)....so as i've said i can only hope this one works out better than the last one. and maybe if i'm lucky by the end of the year i might actually be on her good side again. but i still pose the question.....why am i spending so much $ on something that seems to utterly pointless????? i know why i'm actually here but seriously what's the point....i'm not learning what i need to. ideas? anyone?