A few-days-belated note here to say that we've gone back to moderated posting, and to send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who got work in by the ninth! If you're still working on something for the comm, it's not too late -- we'll be releasing the moderation queue every Friday through the end of this month (and possibly even for a bit longer, depending on how things go and what we hear from you).
We have gotten truly fantastic
art and
fic and
icons and a kickass
vid for this first Second Lives challenge, and
jd_junkie and I are thrilled by the turnout and the quality. We hope you are too, and we hope you'll remember that there's no deadline for appreciation and no time limit on feedback -- we know how busy fannish life can get, and all the wonderful things here will still be here to enjoy as you have time. :-)
Thanks again to everyone for participating!