First day of school - teh review

Sep 08, 2004 19:36

Yes folks, today was my first day of school.  The last mystical First Day of School I will ever have in the glory that is a public Highschool.  For it is my last year here, and I couldn't be more relieved.  But the remainder of my time here doesn't seem like it'll be all that unbearable - I already got past most of the annoying required classes and now I get to take tons of useless electives to fill my little schedule.  So without further ado, here is my class-by-class breakdown of my glorious first day of Senior year...

Yes folks, today was my first day of school.  The last mystical First Day of School I will ever have in the glory that is a public Highschool.  For it is my last year here, and I couldn't be more relieved.  But the remainder of my time here doesn't seem like it'll be all that unbearable - I already got past most of the annoying required classes and now I get to take tons of useless electives to fill my little schedule.  So without further ado, here is my class-by-class breakdown of my glorious first day of Senior year...

Before school - Surprisingly, I woke up on time with little issue.  I'm used to waking when I should be in like 6th period, hehe.  But I got up on time and managed to get a drink of OJ and a quick chat with my ooooh-so-special boy, who I'm sure didn't want to be up at that time anymore than I did ;)  Upon arriving at school, the Big Inflatable Rat was there again, in the pouring rain.  One of the protestors gave us a sheet - turns out they are indeed protesting because out school board sucks and hired unlicensed illegal aliens or something to do the construction.  Good jorb!!

AP English - First off, there are TOO MANY DAMN KIDS in that class, hehe.  Kilgannon was obviously irked at that, and I think tried to scare any potential weaklings into dropping.  I think I'm gonna stick with it though as best I can.  There's pretty good people in the class and some interesting reading.  And THANK GOD she didn't ask for the summer reading logs, heh.  I'm not sure exactly when they're due, but I think we're doing each of the four books in a certain order, and the logs will be collected then.  She said Portrait is first (ewww) so I'd better finish that one :P

College Algebra - Well, we got teh new teacher, and he looks really young.  And he actually looks SEMI CONSCIOUS, unlike every single math teacher I've ever had since Junior High.  I just hope he's a decent teacher, I've had too many bad experiences with math teachers :P  He found it quite funny that, when asked why we were taking this class, 99% of people answered "because I didn't want to take pre-calc".  Haha.

Orchestra - First of all, why the HELL is the room arrangement all bass-ackwards?  IT MAKE MY BRAIN HURT.  And it seems she's actually gonna try to get us to practice more, oh noes...  And I'm still wondering the purpose of having internet connection in the orchestra room is, haha.

Phys. Ed - Ha, we just sat there while they took attendence and went over the stupid attendence policy or whatever.  Don't start doing anything in that class until like Tuesday or something.

Intro to Programming - Haha, it looks like I was right, and Visual Basic is the language of choice.  I will never get used to the ' VB' acronym XD  Our teacher seems like someone who'll have a lot of patience with idiots like us, and that's always good.  It also looks like they finally upgraded the school networks from the crummy version of Windows NT they were using to Windows 2000 Proffesional.  And there's like, three girls in the class, hehe.  Oh well, I don't mind.

Economics AP - I was never much good at understanding economics, so I hope I don't do that crappily here.  I also have a pretty good class environment here, and someday I'll get over the fear that the ceiling will collapse on me :| (It's in the wing that broke)  With AP English being the class I think will be hardest for me, this is the one I expect to take the #2 slot.  But at least I don't think we have to write a WHOLE lot of essays here, heh.

Food and Nutrition - Man, this class is just FULL of flunkies it seems like, and I don't know a-one of them.  Should've expected that, since it's one of those electives just taken to fill space.  But it's all good, there's cooking, and food, teh yayz!

Criminal Law - I actually think I'll enjoy this class.  The teacher seems pretty cool, and it looks as if we'll get a number of guest speakers and videos and stuff, not just reading crap out of a text.  I still don't wanna go on the jail trip though, wif teh scary inmates and stuff :o

Lunch - Haha, I stood around for a few minutes, and upon seeing that the school cafeteria wasn't selling anything whatsoever (I was starving and wanted a bag of chips or something) I just went home.  Ahh, it's great walking out that front door whilst every other poor sap has to sit in there for another 40 minutes.

So yep, that was it in a nutshell.  Just 179 (give or take) more days of it to go...
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