White Collar: The Nightingale Part Nine

Apr 07, 2015 11:19

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

White Collar: The Nightingale

Chapter Twenty-four

Neal paced the ER waiting room anxiously. He had reopened the wounds in his side but he had made it more than clear that he wasn't about to let anyone touch him. Paramedics had taken Peter into OR less than ten minutes ago. They had been unable to stabilize Peter on the ride to the hospital and his condition had continued to spiral downward.

Riding in the ambulance Neal had retold the story to the medics to help them determine what was wrong. Beyond coughing up an alarming quantity of blood Peter's heart was arrhythmic and his blood pressure dropped to the point where he could not longer sustain consciousness.



Neal turned as Peter's frantic wife arrived at the empty ER waiting room. Tears streaked down her face and she was out of breath from running inside from the parking lot. Despite the pain it caused his irritated wound Neal reached out and drew Elizabeth into a comforting embrace. She buried her face in his shirt and cried bitterly. Neal rocked her gently and allowed her to release her emotions.

"I am so sorry." Neal whispered. "Elizabeth, it's going to be okay."

"I can't lose him, Neal." Elizabeth whimpered. "I...I just can't."

"I know. He's in the best hands here. Peter is going to be fine."

"You really are the world's greatest con-man." Elizabeth said with a half hearted smile.


"You're actually making me believe you."

Neal tried to look confident and hugged her closer. Elizabeth pulled away and managed to stop crying. Neal lead her over to the waiting room chairs. The pair sat down and waited in silence. It was a full hour before a doctor came out to talk to them. Neal and Elizabeth jumped to their feet in nervous anticipation of news.

"Mrs. Burke?" The doctor asked.

"Yes...my husband..."

"He is still in surgery in critical condition. The initial shot through the kevlar fractured his sternum. The pericardial sac around his heart began to fill with fluid from the blunt force trauma, causing the shortness of breath as his heart was being squeezed."

"Damn it, Peter." Neal sighed. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"When he fired his gun the recoil impact went up his arm and snapped his sternum. He punctured his left lung and the swollen pericardial sac. Actually without that release of pressure he would have had a heart attack within another fifteen minutes. Strange as it seems the heart attack would have been more immediately life threatening."

"Is he going to be okay?" Elizabeth asked desperately.

"I honestly do not have an answer for you yet. We have set up an ICU room, you can wait for him there."

Elizabeth nodded and tried to remain strong, however she broke down into tears once more. Neal instinctively wrapped his arms around her again and gently stroked her hair. Eventually she pulled away again and forced herself to regain her composure. A nurse led them up to the top floor where the ICU rooms were.

Remembering his own recent stay in ICU Neal tried to keep calm for Elizabeth's sake. There was a small couch built into the wall where Neal and Elizabeth settled in together. Needing the support Elizabeth leaned her head on Neal's shoulder. They spent a long time in silence, unsure of what to say. The rest of the team was coping with the scene down at the Port, but Diana had given Neal direct orders to contact her with any news. Suddenly having trouble breathing Neal reached up and loosened his tie.

"He tried to protect me to the last." Neal said quietly.


"Peter was struggling for every breath and he still tried to put himself between myself and Liao's gun. I don't have half his courage."

"Of course you do. You stayed by his side when you could have run to save yourself."

"I was the one who shot him in the first place. I should have known better."

"You both should have known better."

They shared a sad smile before falling silent again. It was nearing four am when several techs came into the room with a large piece of equipment that they set up wordlessly before leaving. Elizabeth and Neal got to their feet as Peter was brought in on a wheeled hospital bed. Elizabeth gasped in horror at the sight of her deathly pale husband. He was breathing on his own but there was a disturbing laboured quality to each breath. Elizabeth looked to the doctor to see if it was okay to step closer and he nodded. She stood by the bed side and gently put her hand over Peter's.

"You can't leave me." Elizabeth whispered. "I love you."

Neal dragged his hands through his hair in anxious frustration. Peter looked like he could die at any moment. Locked in an unnatural sleep he was perfectly motionless except for the erratic rise and fall of his chest. The doctor checked everything once again and offered them some privacy.

After standing at Peter's side for nearly and hour Elizabeth was exhausted. Neal helped her over to the couch. He sat down and offered his lap as a pillow. She hesitated, but eventually curled up next to him and rested her head on his lap. She was asleep in moments. Neal had every intention of remaining awake and on guard, but he quickly fell asleep. It was mid morning when Neal was jerked awake by a rough voice.

"Neal Caffrey, get up." The man growled.

Neal fluttered his eyes open and his blood ran cold. A pair of US Marshals were standing in the door way with irritated expressions on their faces. Elizabeth woke and sat up slowly. She looked up at the Marshals in confusion. The larger Marshal walked over and physically hauled Neal to his feet.

"What's going on?" Elizabeth asked.

"Wait..." Neal protested as the Marshal slapped a cuff on his right wrist before forcing him to turn around so that he could secure his hands behind his back with the tight metal hand cuffs.

"Stop." Elizabeth said as she got to her feet. "What are you doing?"

"We are taking Caffrey back into custody, he is a ward of the state and his handler is currently incapacitated. Not to mention that he has recently been suspected of taking flight."

"He saved my husband's life and stopped two well known gang leaders who were trafficking women."

"I'm not going to go anywhere, I didn't run before, and I won't run now." Neal insisted. "Please let me stay, at least long enough to make sure that Peter is going to be okay."

"Don't take him, Marshal, as a personal favor to my husband." Elizabeth added.


Neal flashed the Marshal his most charming smile. Neal wasn't sure how far he was going to get with this particular Marshal, he had lead him on a serious goose chase long ago and nearly ended the Federal Marshal's career. In the end it was Elizabeth that softened the officer's heart.

"Fine." The Marshal sighed. "But I swear you take even a single step out of this room without a law escort..."

"I won't. I promise."

"You're a real pain in my ass, Caffery." The Marshal growled. "Half my career has been taken up by the sheer amount of paper work you cause me. I will be back later to place you on house arrest."

"Tightening my leash, eh?"

"I have a nice cell you could stay in instead."

"My place has a better view."

"I bet." The Marshal huffed as he uncuffed Neal.


The Marshals went to the two F.B.I agents who were standing guard outside Peter's room and informed them not to let Caffrey out of their sight. Neal breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to be dragged away while Peter was still hovering between life and death.

Elizabeth pulled a chair up to Peter's bedside and took his hand in hers. Peter's breathing seemed to be less labored and the heart monitor was steady. Neal suddenly felt a little awkward standing in the room with the husband and wife pair.

"Elizabeth, do you want me to leave?"

"No. You can stay. You know you're like family at this point."

Neal smiled and walked over to the other side of the bed. Under his eyelids Peter's eyes were tracking back and forth in the mist of a dream. Neal hoped that it was a good sign. Unsure of what else to do he went back over to the couch and sat down. He jolted when his cell phone rang.

"Caffrey." Neal answered.

"Neal," Diana greeted "how's Peter?"

"Out of surgery, breathing on his own, but still sleeping. He's on the stable side of critical if that makes any sense."

"Sort of. There is one of the Port Authority Agents in the hospital as well, but it looks like he'll be fine. We had a serious mess to clean up last night. A lot of the women in the containers were in desperate need of medical attention, plus only a handful speak English."

"How is Hsing doing?"

"That's part of why I called. Hsing is gone."


"Disappeared sometime last night in the confusion. There's more..."

"What is it?"

"It looks like she took the Nightingale with her."
Chapter 25: Chapter 25

White Collar: The Nightingale

Chapter Twenty-five

"House arrest? Really? Come on, at least give me a mile." Neal protested. "Coop me up in here and I'll turn to cyber crime just to give myself something to do."

"You make so much as a prank phone call and I'll haul your ass back to prison."

"I can still visit the hospital, right?"

"With an escort."

"Of course."

"F.B.I escort." The Marshal clarified.

"You don't trust me, do you?" Neal asked rhetorically.

"Not as far as I can throw you...scratch that, I could probably throw you a good ten feet."

"Ha ha."

"Just give me your ankle so I can go home." The Marshal grumbled.

Neal pulled one of the chairs out from his dinning room table and brought his leg up. The Marshal clicked on the black tracking band and made sure the magnetic locking system held in place. Neal felt a slight pang of claustrophobia, but it passed quickly. Put his leg back down he found the tracking anklet felt heavier than he remembered.

"Behave, Caffrey."


Neal offered the disgruntled Marshal a bright smile, but it didn't improve the man's attitude towards him. The Marshal had had a perfect capture record until Caffrey had been put on his case load nearly ten years ago. It didn't help that Neal now had better living arrangements than he did. The Marshal took one last look around before making a noise of disgust and leaving.

Alone in the apartment Neal suddenly realized how exhausted he was. It had been a long night and an even longer day. Peter was still in a light coma, unable to join the waking world. Neal wanted to stay, but the US Marshals had other plans. Once the non-family visiting hours were over at the ICU Neal had to go home. He hated to leave Elizabeth alone. She was putting on a brave front, but he knew that it was all a show.

Sighing heavily Neal decided that there was very little he could do. They had Agents looking for Hsing, but the tracking device in the sword had to be small so it had a very short range. By the time they noticed that she was gone in the confusion she was out of range.

"Who was Riku talking about when he said they'd never let Zhang keep you?" Neal mused to himself.

Neal didn't have any answers and had no way of getting them. Weary to the bone he decided that a shower and then bed was about the best thing he could do at the moment. Pulling off his shirt Neal noticed that once again the gun shot in his side was seeping blood. The still relatively fresh would was never going to heal if he didn't give it a chance to.

"House arrest might do me some good."

In the shower Neal cleaned off the blood as best he could. After drying off he pulled on a pair of pajama pants and inspected the damage once more. The steri-strips were doing a fair job of keeping the injury closed. Rummaging through his medicine chest he realized that he really didn't have the supplies to cover the wound properly. Too tired to care he just wandered over to his bed.

Laying down carefully on his side Neal closed his eyes and was asleep almost instantly. It felt like only seconds past before he was jolted awake by a knock at his door. Moaning in protest and only half awake Neal tried to ignore the visitor. It was just past midnight.


"June..." Neal replied as he pried his eyes open.

"I'm sorry to intrude," June said as she opened the door "there is a young lady here asking to see you."

"Alex?" Neal asked as he sat up.

June shook her head and stepped aside. Hsing was standing behind June trying her hardest not to tremble. She was wrapped in a blanket that she looked like she'd stolen from a homeless man. Neal scrambled to his feet and rushed over to her. He reached out to her and she gladly accepted a comforting embrace. Neal winched in pain but tried to keep it to himself as Hsing broke down into tears.

"June, do you have something she can change into?" Neal asked knowing that Hsing's clothing was probably soaked in Zhang's blood.

"I'm sure I can find something."


"It was quiet around here without you, Neal." June said with a slight smile.

"Sorry to disturb your peace."

"It's okay, I don't mind a little excitement."

"Never a dull moment..."

June nodded in agreement and left to go back to her side of the expansive house to find some clothing for Hsing. Still in tears Hsing started to have trouble breathing. Neal did his best to sooth her, and eventually she calmed. Stepping away Hsing shrugged off the blanket and revealed the dried blood and dirt that was caked to her skin and clothing. She had the Nightingale sword clutched tightly in her stained hands.

"Please help me, Caffrey-san." Hsing begged as she offered Neal the sword.

"Of course." Neal assured as he took the sword. "How did you find me?"

"I was there when Liao hired the men to kidnap you. I remembered the address. I tried to remember anything important that he said...he never cared what I over heard."

"That doesn't really surprise me. Why did yo..."

Neal stopped when Hsing started crying again and shivering. Guiding her to the bathroom he turned the shower on. Hsing hesitated and Neal assured her that he'd wait outside. He stepped out and closed the door. With the Nightingale still in hand he went over to the bed and hid it underneath. June returned with a selection of comfortable clothes.

"These will be big on her."

"It will be perfect." Neal said. "Thank you so much. Have I ever told you that you are the greatest landlord ever?"

"You've mentioned it a few times. Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't think so. Although it would be best if no one knew she was here for now."

"My lips are sealed."

"Thank you, June."

Neal leaned in and gave June a kiss on the cheek. June smiled and left. She never ceased to amaze him with her understanding. It was a full half hour before Neal heard Hsing turning off the water. He was about to go let her know that he some clothing for her when she stepped out into the main studio area wrapped in a towel.

Hsing looked around nervously. Neal couldn't help but stare at the multiple bruises that marred what he could see of her legs and over her left shoulder and upper arm. She reached up and rubbed self consciously at one of the marks on her arm. Neal stepped up and offered her the clothing June had brought for her.

"Thank you." Hsing said meekly.

Hsing disappeared into the bathroom once again and returned in the over sized t-shirt and a pair of silk black pants. She was clutching a folded up shirt in her hands. When Neal stepped towards her she automatically stepped back. Neal put his hands up to show that he wasn't a threat.

"I am sorry." Hsing apologized.

"You don't have anything to apologize for."

Hsing forced a small smile. She looked ready to collapse so Neal offered her a seat on the couch. Going into the kitchen he got a glass of ice water and brought it to her. She accepted the offer and sipped at the water. Neal sat on the ottoman across from her to give her some space. They sat in silence for a moment.

"Hsing, I know you came to me for help, but we really should call the F.B.I. They can help you better than I can. I can't even leave the apartment."

"I can not go to the F.B.I." Hsing whispered. "I...I murdered a man."

"And saved my life at the same time."


"You were acting in self-defense and saved a Federal Agent in the process. Judges look upon that sort of thing very favorably."

"If I go to the Law I can never return to my family, my father would never trust me again. Even if I bring the Nightingale back to him he may reject me because Zhang has touched me."

"Your family owns the Nightingale? Hsing, who are you exactly?"

"Hsing Tsukasa."

"Tsukasa? As in Shinoda Tsukasa?"

"Yes. Kumicho of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Kobe."

"I can't believe that Zhang taking you didn't start an all out war."

"I am only one of many daughters. Also my father only recently was released from prison six months ago."

"How long have you been with Zhang?"

"Three years." Hsing said sadly. "I am a disgrace for allowing him to use me and not taking my own life. If I can get the Nightingale back to my father he will grant me forgiveness and protection. I can go back to my life at the okiya."

"Can the Yakuza in New York help you get home?"

"They will slaughter me and take the sword and the glory for its return for themselves. I need to return to Japan on my own, I need a new identity, a passport, a way to travel. I have no one to turn to to help me out of America."

"Hsing it might be better to go into F.B.I protection. You could stay here, they'll protect you. With the information you can give them on Zhang and his activities they will place you in witness protection."

Hsing wrapped her arms over her stomach and bowed her head as she began to weep again. Neal reached out to sooth her but she jerked away in fright. Neal sat back again and sighed heavily.


"Please, Neal, please, I want to go home." Hsing whimpered. "I want to go home to Japan. I have known only suffering here."

"Hsing, I want to help you. I really do. But I don't even have the resources. It can cost hundreds of thousands, even millions to get the identification you'd need, let alone the complications of smuggling something like the Nightingale out of the country."

"I have something that can help me get home...but I need your help selling it."

Hsing started unfolding the shirt that she had been clutching. Neal's breath hissed across his teeth when he saw what she had. Hsing held up the Sapphire Waterfall and offered it to Neal. He hesitated to take it, knowing that once he did he was basically agreeing to fence it. Hsing stared at him pleadingly. Shaking his head sadly Neal reached out and took the multi-million dollar necklace. Hsing smiled hopefully.

"I can not thank you enough, Caffrey-san."

"Peter's going to kill me..."

PART TEN: http://phoenix-cry79.livejournal.com/5588.html
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