White Collar: The Labyrinth ch 13

Oct 23, 2016 22:19

Chapter Thirteen


Hearing Peter's distant desperate cry washed a sickening amount of adrenaline through Neal's already keyed up system as Jake forced him further down the dank hall. Peter slammed into the door behind them but apparently Jake had some way of locking it from the outside as well. Terrified as he was to be alone with Jake Neal was grateful he'd locked Peter inside the room, Sawyer had slunk off with his tail between his legs but he probably hadn't gone far and once out in the tunnels Peter would be fair game. Jake seemed to be able to keep Sawyer somewhat at bay but he doubted he could keep Peter safe once Sawyer actually got his hands on him.

Jake brought Neal's focus back to his own problems when he shoved him to the left to get him to turn down another hallway as he lead him further from Peter. Jake didn't say anything along their journey which Neal found far more unnerving than his usual casual chatting. Coming to a seemingly random door Jake reached out and grabbed Neal's upper arm to stop him and after unlocking the door he pushed him through into the small room. With his heart pounding Neal looked around the mostly featureless room that was about half the size of the front room that he and Peter shared. Up against the far wall was a small padlocked cabinet, to the right was a sturdy wooden table with nothing on it and a lone wooden armless chair.

Jake guided Neal towards the table before using both hands against his middle back to shove Neal into the table with a considerable amount of force. With his hands bound behind his back Neal was unable to catch himself as he doubled over when the edge of the table slammed into his stomach. Before Neal could try to push himself away from the table Jake hooked his hand under Neal's left knee and forced his leg up onto the table holding him down in the vulnerable position with a firm hand. Jake quickly leaned forward and pressed himself against Neal's back to further restrain him.

"Get off me!" Neal snarled pointlessly as he attempted to buck Jake off, unfortunately his attacker had all of the leverage.

"I like it when you make demands, it's adorable." Jake purred in Neal's ear. "Feel free to scream, no one who cares can hear you and I think you'll find it helps. At the very least I'll enjoy it, you've got a great voice."

Neal ground his teeth together to keep himself from snarling an insult at Jake knowing he would just laugh at him. Not getting the reaction he'd hoped for Jake leaned more of his weight against him causing Neal's throat closed in on him as he started to choke on his own fear. It had been one thing to be at the psychopath's mercy in the somewhat public setting of the ring, it was proving to be far worse dealing with him in private where might not hesitate to get intimate. Welding his eyes shut Neal concentrated on just trying to take his next breath which Jake's suffocating weight wasn't making any easier.

Knowing how much Jake enjoyed a struggle Neal worked on doing his best to deny him the satisfaction of it, hoping to just get this encounter over with. However not fighting back took far more effort than he expected as it intensified his panic to not follow his instinct to at least attempt 'fight or flight'. Feeling like he might actually pass out Neal gasped sharply as Jake suddenly tousled his hair and laughed like an older brother adding insult to injury after pinning his sibling down while rough housing.

"Relax, Caffrey, I'm just messing with you." Jake teased.

Neal jolted as Jake lifted his weight off him and then firmly slapped him across the backside as if his assault had been a harmless fraternity prank.

"I'm not going to rape you," Jake assured "although I am going to do this…"


Cut off by an all too familiar pain Neal cried out as Jake jabbed into the back of his thigh that he'd pinned up on the table with the same taser that he'd used on him before. Surprised by the painful shock Neal tried to kick at Jake but the powerful electrical current kept his leg from responding. Jake backed up and grabbed Neal's shoulder to pull him up off the table. Attempting to stand on his own Neal instantly collapsed to the floor as his muscles twitched uselessly. Rolling his eyes Jake reached down and hauled Neal up and threw him into the armless wooden chair. Trying to get his bearings Neal shook his head to clear it as he fought to control his panting breath.

"Don't worry, in fifteen minutes you'll just be left with a bit of a limp for a day or so." Jake assured. "I do want you looking like you've had a rough time of it."

"Wha…wait, this isn't about me, it's about Peter." Neal hissed at Jake.

"No, it's about you as well. Although I do get to kill two birds with one stone this way." Jake said proudly. "Burke's going to spend the next hour sick to his stomach tormented by all the possibilities of what you're going through running through his mind, a humiliating sexual assault probably being at the top of the list. In fact I'm willing to bet he won't even believe you if you try to tell him I didn't take advantage of you."

"Why are you doing this to us?" Neal growled angrily. "Isn't it enough that you're forcing us to fight and starving us?"

"I gotta train my dogs." Jake chuckled.


"I need Burke to be better motivated the next time he steps into the ring and admittedly torturing you minutes before your own fight wasn't my brightest idea. I had to cut your fight in half and you still almost got slaughtered." Jake explained in a rueful tone. "After this little stunt he'll do anything to keep from being separated from you again."

Neal glowered spitefully at Jake, knowing he was right and hating him for it. They may find strength in one another but that same bond was just as easily used against them to great affect. Reading the look in Neal's eyes perfectly Jake smiled loftily. Jake ran his eyes over his prey for a moment before he settled his gaze on the raw brand over Neal's heart. When Jake reached out to touch it Neal jerked back nearly causing the chair he was sitting in to tip back. Bringing his knee up Jake pressed it down into Neal's leg to steady him before reaching out again and tracing a path through the maze pattern on the brand. Even though he used a surprisingly gentle touch the brand still flared painfully as the exposed nerves reacted to the stimulus.

"You know what I like most about this design?" Jake said more to himself than Neal. "It's an impossible maze, every path just leads to a dead end, there's no way out..."

Neal furrowed his brow as Jake's eyes lost some their focus as he stared at the mark as if he was having some kind of deep metaphysical thought even though as far as Neal was concerned a maze with no solution simply wasn't a maze at all, it was just a pointless series of lines. Snapping out of his momentary trance Jake rubbed the back of his hand against his own chest as he seemingly lost interest in Neal and stepped back. Neal kept a wary eye on Jake as he circled around behind him and headed for the small cabinet. Neal glanced over at the door but even if it wasn't locked it would be nearly impossible to open quickly with his hands still bound. Even if he did get out into the hall he didn't have anywhere to go. He wasn't confident that he could get back to Peter, he had been too distracted on their walk here to remember all of the turns they had taken.

When Jake unlocked the cabinet Neal wasn't sure he wanted to know what was inside as his treasonous heart started to race again. As hard as he tried to keep calm mentally his body seemed to have a different plan as his stomach knotted up and his tired muscles trembled slightly. Reaching into the cabinet Jake pulled a large unlabeled bottle of deep amber liquid and a tumbler glass. Jake brought his prizes over to the table and poured half a glass of the liquor. Drink in hand Jake stepped up to Neal with a mischievous smile as he suddenly straddled Neal's legs and sat down heavily on his hips facing him. Neal pushed into the back of the chair as Jake deeply invaded his personal space.

"What are yo…"

"I hate to drink alone." Jake announced.

"Then go make some friends." Neal spat.

"You've got good fire, Caffrey, I like you." Jake said resting one arm over Neal's injured shoulder casually. "You know it's not often I get someone like you or Burke down here. Most of the men York gives me are either complete cowards that cry and beg for mercy at the slightest touch or are so violent that I don't dare play with them. You two are a perfect mix of both. I want to see you two succeed down here, I really do."

"Then stop torturing us and help us." Neal retorted as blood started to roll down his back from the cuts Jake was aggravating.

"I strongly prefer to do both."

"You're insane."

Jake shrugged without disagreeing and knocked back the glass of alcohol in his hand, finishing with a noise as though it was stronger than he had been expecting. Neal tensed as Jake shifted most of his weight onto his injured leg when he went to pour another glass. Neal turned his head away when Jake tried to offer him a pull at the strong smelling liquor.

"This isn't a request, Caffrey, this is an order. Drink."


Jake sighed in mock exasperation before tangling his free hand into Neal's hair and forced his head back. Neal tried to keep his lips sealed but the fumes from the high proof alcohol were keeping him from being able to get much oxygen through his nose while it was buried in the wide mouth of the tumbler glass. Eventually having to take a gasping breath Neal quickly found the warm liquid filling his mouth and burning the back of his throat. Face with the choice of drink or drown Neal swallowed the toxic tasting liquid. The liquor burned a path down his throat and he could almost feel it hitting his blood stream as it coursed into his empty stomach. Neal coughed and sputtered when Jake pulled the glass away as his lungs violently protested the small amount of liquor that had managed to invade them. Neal convulsively retched up a small amount of the amber fluid but most of it had already absorbed into his starving system.

"Powerful isn't it?" Jake chuckled.

Still gasping for breath Neal couldn't deny the strength of the drink as it soaked into his veins that were already low on blood from his injuries and quickly warped his thinking. Jake gave him a moment to recover from the first dram before offering him another. Neal clenched his jaw shut and shook his head in almost childish refusal but Jake just repeated his previous trick. This time when the fiery liquid hit his stomach it instantly came back up again, but with Jake holding his head back he couldn't just spit it out. Panic washed over him as he nearly filled his lungs with the warm volatile contents of his stomach. Swallowing hard Neal sucked for breath before going into another coughing fit that left him painfully breathless. Jake waited for him to get in one good breath before he forced another gulp of the almost ether like substance down his throat and then put the glass down.

Nauseous and dizzy with the alcohol burning his senses Neal fought to get Jake off his lap. Easily bracing his feet against the floor Jake was able to keep his seat as Neal continued to work to try and move him. Jake let Neal fight him for a minute before deciding to put an end to it by flicking his finger against Neal's brand with an audible snap. Arching back Neal pulled at the bloody ties around his wrist as he cried out in renewed pain. Once his head was back Neal found it difficult to right himself again as the alcohol and stress stole his sense of control. Staring up at the water stained concrete ceiling the horror of his situation closed in on him as his thoughts stumbled over one another. Welding his eye shut as tears streaked his face Neal wailed senselessly.

Jake waited for Neal to take a breath before he helped him bring his head forward again. When Neal caught Jake's gaze he could swear he saw a trace of pity in his tormentor's cold eyes. Neal didn't have time to analyze the look as Jake reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. Neal's already heavily taxed heart slammed harder against his ribs but before he could beg Jake not to sink the blade into him Jake simply used it to reach around and slash through the plastic tie. With his prisoner cut free Jake quickly got to his feet and stepped aside. The moment he was free Neal jumped to his feet but when the ground seemed to shift beneath him he staggered drunkenly to the side before ending up on his knees. Pitching forward onto his hands Neal battled to control his reeling senses and rebelling stomach.

"You're a cheap date, Caffrey." Jake chuckled. "Of course you're probably not used to drinking what basically amounts to turpentine on an empty stomach."

Jake circled Neal like a vulture flying over a wounded animal, not attacking, just waiting for nature to take its course. Neal did feel like if he just let go that he could just pass out, but he wasn't about to leave himself completely defenseless against Jake like that. Neal was about to try and get back to his feet when Jake leaned down and struck his injured shoulder. Recoiling from the painful strike Neal reared back and up onto his knees. Quickly loosing his balance in the other direction Neal landed hard and scrambled back until he slammed into the cabinet. When Jake turned to face him Neal put his hand up in a silent plea for peace.

"Don't do that. Seriously, you're just asking to get your wrist snapped, you're lucky Richards was inexperienced in the ring when you tried it with him." Jake said sternly. "Never try and surrender, none of your future opponents are going to show you that kind of mercy. Fight like a cornered animal if you become one."

"Stay away from me!" Neal cried out.

Ignoring Neal's demand Jake walked up and crouched down in front on him. Shaking violently as he teetered on the edge of his endurance Neal didn't even think to lash out at Jake. Breathing heavily Neal started dry heaving against the poison Jake had forced down his throat. He feared that Jake would attack him again now while he was rendered even more helpless by his rebelling stomach, but Jake just reached out and put his hand on his shoulder to try and help steady him.

"Deep breath, try and focus. You have to fight through moments like this." Jake said gently. "Come on, Caffrey, pull yourself together. Don't let yourself spiral out of control. Fight back, hit me, you can do it."

"What are you doing?" Neal whimpered.

"I'm helping you." Jake said seriously. "Your main issue in the ring is that once you start to fail your panic takes over. You can't just put your hands up in surrender when you become disoriented by pain or fear. This is a learning experience. If you can center yourself when you're like this you'll be able to do it easier when your sober in the ring. Now fight!"

Baring his teeth angrily at Jake Neal reached up and shoved him away. Jake stumbled back but managed to keep his balance. Standing up Jake looked down on Neal with a bright smile.

"Excellent!" Jake approved. "Now get up, fight me."

"No!" Neal spat defiantly.

"Fine." Jake sighed.

Neal had no interest in playing the part of a dog being baited into training, however he had little choice when Jake went to kick him. Neal tried to move out of the way but the alcohol and the fact that he hadn't had a chance to recover from his fight with Richards slowed him down. Unable to escape Neal curled up in an attempt to absorb some of the blow. Jake kicked him with almost enough force to break ribs but stopped just shy of actually doing so. Jake pulled his foot back to kick him again but just held at the ready.

"I will beat you to death here and now if you don't do something to stop me!" Jake roared. "Don't just defend yourself, attack! Don't make me deliver your pathetic battered corpse to your friend!"

Jake's final threat triggered a far deeper response than any of his previous ones and with a sudden determined rage Neal launched himself at his psychotic teacher. Jake probably could have stepped out of the way of Neal's clumsy attack but he allowed Neal to slam into his midsection and drive him back fully across the small room. Jake grunted as he was knocked breathless against the door but he quickly chuckled as Neal finally went on the offensive. Further enraged Neal slammed his fist into the side of Jake's ribs twice in rapid succession.

Having had enough Jake put his hands on Neal's chest making sure his palm was against the brand and shoved him back. Still intoxicated Neal staggered back but he stayed on his feet this time. Squaring his shoulders Neal didn't back down when Jake stepped closer and took a swing at him. Taking his shot a little too soon he connected with the side of Jake's face but not with full force since Jake was still slightly out of his reach. An effective punch was all about precision and timing and Neal lacked skill in both, however at the moment he was making up for it with sheer determination. Jake let Neal try again but this time lashed out and caught his wrist. Forcing Neal around Jake yanked his wrist up between his shoulder blades and used the leverage to push him back down on the table knocking over what was left of the alcohol. Roaring in anger and frustration Neal fought bitterly to free himself forcing Jake to dig his hand into one of the deep cuts in his shoulder to take some of the fight out of him that he'd just worked to put into him.

"There you go, Caffrey, much better." Jake praised. "You can fight through anything if you try hard enough, trust me."

"I'm going to kill you!"

"That's the spirit! Good dog."

Chapter 14: soon
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