[Fanfic] Big Brother

Aug 17, 2012 19:57

Fandom: Naruto
Pg/Pair: Itachi Uchiha, Makoto Uchiha
Word Count: 678
Rating: G - Fluff
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto, not me :(
A/N: This silly little thing was ispired by an artwork found on Zerochan by Kucingbau
To: Mybodyafuneral with with my best wishes to get well soon ;) !

“You know we will love you all the same, right? And trust you to look after Sasuke...mom and dad said, when they told him he was going to be a big brother. As if the swollen belly wasn't giving it away already. Whatever. Adults were always underestimating his cleverness.

He knew long before that moment. He sensed it, that new life inside inside of his mother.
He had been reading all he could find in the library not much, truthfully - about such a challenging task but books don't seem to be so helpful after all. It had never happened to him before, but he wasn't going to give up. He needed to know what was expected of him, so that he could train and be ready for his new role.
He resorted to observe the Inuzuka family, since it was one of the very few that had more than one child. Maybe because they were expecting you to love your teammates as if they were your siblings, maybe because too many had died way too young during the wars, but small families of the three seemed to be the norm in the Hidden Leaf village and not the other way around.
Itachi could tell that the people whom father disdainfully called “the higher powers” didn't like one bit that him as the head of the Uchiha had broken the unspoken rule by having Sasuke.
He didn't quite understand why they were so upset. He didn't even care, to be honest.
He had work to do. Data to gather and analyze.

So the Inuzuka seemed to be all about love and fiery protectiveness, hidden behind a gruffly and noisy façade He wasn't quite sure about the last part, but loving and protecting.... that he could definitely do.
As well as setting an example, teaching Sasuke what he had learned from their father. Being what his little brother should strive to become, no matter if he was going to hate Itachi for raising the bar so high.
It wasn't going to be easy, but he was dead set to become the best big brother Sasuke could ever wish for. He was going to make his parents proud.
He was sure of that, especially after Shisui himself assured him that he was going to be great. And Shisui himself was great. A boy who was strong and loyal and kind. His best friend. Who knew for sure what he was talking about, despite being an only child, right?

No. He has no idea. Not in the slightest.
The moment his mother calls Itachi to her bedside and showed him Sasuke, greeting him with a “Hello, elder brother”... that is the moment he realizes how wrong he was.
The baby in mommy's arms is so little, so frail and helpless: there is no way he can even touch him without breaking his arm or something. How can he keep him from harm, when literally anything could be dangerous for him? No, no. He is not ready. He is going to fail.
Sighing, he looks up at his mother - sure to find disappointment in her features - only to see she is smiling fondly at him. She takes his right hand in hers and she brings it to her lips, kissing the nervousness away, and then she prompts him to stroke Sasuke's cheek with.
“You can touch him, Itachi. He won't break, I swear.” She whispers in his ear.
True to her words, he doesn't. He opens his eyes, staring back at him. He raises his tiny little fists up to his face, closing his fingers around Itachi's hand. Like he knows what Itachi was thinking just seconds ago; as if he is silently asking him to try, at least.
He can do that. He can try his best, he can give it all even though he might turn out to be a bad brother and thus making Sasuke completely entitled to kill him when they grow up.

“Hello, little brother.” he whispers against his forehead.

naruto, fanfic

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