Dec 08, 2009 23:30
Afton turns One on Thursday, and yesterday she started spiking a fever of 102.5. She has never been sick so of course I was worried, especially about H1N1. After about 20 phone calls, I was finally able to get in touch with Sharon, who ended up going over to Big 10 to get Mom so that way someone could come get me and Afton and take us to Urgent Care (the carseat was in Mom's truck and the reserve was in the garage, Rudy being at school).
Turns out Afton has an ear infection. No biggie, it would seem. Filled an RX for antibiotics and picked up some extra baby tylenol, because apparently ear infections are painful (I've never had one myself, so I have no clue). The amazing thing is that she never tugs or plays with the ear that is infected, only the other ear when she is tired.
At 5pm this evening, she started fussing again and I found she again had a fever of 101.9. I put some tylenol on board and she perked up for a bit. Then she started fussing again a few hours later and I discover her temp has not fallen at all, but spiked up to 103.5!
The doctor last night said it would be very unusual for a high temp to remain more than 36 hours after starting a high dose antibiotic. So if in the morning now Afton still has a high fever, it will be back to the doctor's office.
And in a Blizzard, no less.
Thank God for four wheel drive and my amazingly awesome ability to drive in terrible weather.
But here's to hoping Afton wakes up in the morning feeling much better. Poor baby.
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