spring break

Mar 19, 2007 12:18

okay ppl this is my spring break broken down to you. well start on sunday

sunday: when to work it was fine, got out of work when shopping for make up, got phone call from wheeler saying his parents wanted me over in which i freeked out b/c of something that i'm not getting into. when over said hi to Gary as i put things away shaved head person comes towards me i move out of the way as i'm putting something in my pocket then realize it's wheeler. (yeah big supries there)
monday when to houston to get new pass port then escaped to wheeler's house.
tues. ate lunch with the boy then when to work it was okay
wed.work sucked and i deeply hated every one wheeler drove me to taco bell after work and said hi to his grandparents
thurs. went out with my mom (mother daughter bonding time) when to work and had a less bad day
fri. scared shitless by wheeler's grandpa's driving -_- sun bathed and actuly read for fun! saw baseball game sat around hotel room
sat. more baseball, sunburned a little.wheeler's team discovers i have boobs...idk what the fuck that means. snapped at wheeler when family and friends when to jo's crab shack (amber's my witness and me doing that was justified!). got several "mike specials" (bartender liked me and made me some awesome drinks) when back to room saw night at the musum ...it was...meh not good not bad.
sun. woke up to pain in my head from amber's fist(amber thrashes in her sleep and every night was an effort to get to sleep due to gary's snorring as well as amber, pluse i got new bruses b/c of her moving) saw baseball game, said my goodbye's to wheeler and ....drove his car omg it was scary
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