Despite the fact that House is looking like it might be the new Xena (which probably deserves an entry of its own), I am mightily displeased with some of the things that network TV had to say about sex this last week.
First Bones tells us that anything that smacks of play means that there isn't any intimacy and therefore it's just "bad sex". Which apparently means that a prostitute and a john having vanilla sex are experiencing more intimacy than a couple who have been together several years and are into bondage. I was not entirely surprised to see Booth espousing this point of view (this is often Booth's role on the show), but Brennan agreed with him.
Then Private Practice (I know, I'm not proud that I watch it, but - no, never mind, I don't have a good excuse) gives us the message that a couple unable to consummate PIV intercourse is apparently doomed to a life of sexual frustration. Admittedly I might have missed something as I was changing channels a lot, but there is no question that the message we were supposed to get was that this couple had a severe case of blue balls, and at one point something was said specifically about a man couldn't be asked to go the rest of his life without sex (or close to that). And no one at this holistic-y groovy California clinic suggested alternatives to PIV sex. Or that an actual orgasm might help the woman relax as much as guided visualization (yes, even guided visualization done by Tim Daly).
Seriously, people? Seriously?
*sputters into incomprehensibility*