English Rant and Other Stuff

Sep 29, 2004 02:45

I'm beginning to hate my English 398 class with everyday that goes by. This teacher (she is no professor but an English Ph.D student) annoys me with all stupid activities. It's bad enough that all engineers have to take the class and attendance is mandatory. With all these damn activities, it just makes the class unbearable to go to. The way I acted in the class is somewhat different with other classes. I put up the passive resistance and be silent. The next class is mock interviews which she said that people will be pick on being non-talkative. That means me. I'm going to skip that class on Thursday. If you give me a required class that I don't see any use, I will make life a living hell.

Second rant about English 398. We have this Employment Document assignment and one of the things to do is talk with a faculty member and go to the Career Center for grad school. Now, let's think about it this for a second. For someone who has done this already, what is the point of doing this again? I see this as a waste of time for three people: the faculty member, Career Center rep, and me. I will send an email to her to see if I can not do this part of the assignment. Most likely, she will give some B.S. reason why I have to do this and thus pissing me off even more.

As for the rest of the day, it went well for the most part. I had a quiz in Econ which I'm sure how I did since my example prove that it was a stable match instead an unstable match. Somehow, I managed to get a 71 on my Polymer Processing test. I thought I did badly on it after the professor was somewhat explaining the answers. The lesson learned here is set your expectations low.

Tomorrow's agenda will be studying for Macro Synthesis because I have a test on Thursday. I think the Senior Project won't be on work tomorrow but hopefully, I can resume work on it on Friday.
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