For about all parents, they want their kids not be midgets for the most part and want them to be tall. Well there was this couple who forced their daughter not to grow so they could take care of her in a more manageable way as she's mentally and physically disabled. From what I read in this article about it, they removed her uterus and breast tissue along massive doses of hormones to halt her growth. So basically they managed to stop puberty from ever occurring. You got to think that doing this will have some long-term effects on her health but it seems that massive doses of estrogen has been done in the 60s and had no side effects. The removal of breast tissue and uterus doesn't effect the overall health just that she won't have kids.
I feel that it's wrong to do this even though she's disabled. Even disabled people have the choice to do what with their bodies to a certain extent. I don't think she had a choice in the matter. I understand the parents want to remove the pain she may have while going through puberty but at the same time, they are selfish and don't want to put in the time to care for their daughter. There's a point about how America doesn't provide much help in terms of care for child disabilities. If there was more help for families like her, then her parents wouldn't gone through with the treatment.
Here's a couple links about this: The first link is just a news article about it while the second link is a detailed overview about the treatment itself which is called "the Ashley Treatment" or what I liked to call it, the Peter Pan treatment. The second link has a thing for supporting opinions but nothing for opposing opinions as the website was created by the parents.
One unrelated note: I wouldn't noticed this article if I didn't watch that episode of House with the dwarf not being a dwarf (which was on earlier).