Friends only

Jan 01, 2015 03:07


- Fanvids are open to everyone.
- Fanfics can be found at esse_an_mente.
- Icons, wallpapers, and all of my other Photoshoppy creations can be found at abstract_angst.

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canadian_turtle February 27 2007, 21:40:44 UTC
Hey! I don't know if you remember me, but I am Zarina from LF and LANF (though I left both forums to backpack through Canada for a year) and was often to be found among the Jellies and Skaters. Found your journal through Taru's and Andra's, add me? ^_^


phoenix39 February 27 2007, 21:44:57 UTC
Oh my gosh, Zarina! I missed you so much! I will of course add you!


canadian_turtle February 27 2007, 21:48:53 UTC
Yay, friends! ^_^ So tell me, what have you been up to in the past year? (btw it's late here now so I am going to bed, but I'll read/reply tomorrow).


phoenix39 February 27 2007, 23:59:01 UTC
First off, icon love!

Well, not a whole lot has happened. I turned 20, I got a job at Bath & Body Works, and I'm in my second semester at community college. I'm getting my Assosiates in Arts and then I'm going to double major in English and Psychology.

Nothing real major has happened this past year. No boyfriends, no getting my own place, nothing like that.

So, what about you? Have you made a post about your backpacking trip yet?


canadian_turtle February 28 2007, 15:34:06 UTC
First off, icon love!
Thanks ^_^ I love the stuff you make too, you've gotten so awesome! I still remember the stuff we posted on LF... so long ago LOL

Well, not a whole lot has happened. I turned 20, I got a job at Bath & Body Works, and I'm in my second semester at community college. I'm getting my Assosiates in Arts and then I'm going to double major in English and Psychology.
Don't call it not much :P Sounds cool to me. Luck on the double major!

So, what about you? Have you made a post about your backpacking trip yet?Well I turned 23 and had the most awesome time ever in Canada. I travelled, saw amazing stuff (the cities, the people, the nature, wild moose and bear and so fort and so on. Met a lot of famous people, went to concerts, the pub, etc.). I did post about the backpacking year, that's what my journal was mainly for. I used to be helplessly_hope on lj, but made this journal for the trip so everyone could read how I was. I posted quite often, also with lotsa pictures from where I was at that time (which was from Vancouver ( ... )


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