Jun 25, 2007 18:58
Well i'm making another 'first post' to my livejournal account, i had orginially signed up to broadband services from BT but decided not to go with them due to the lies the sales team told me when i joined them in Feb. So after much messing around i'm now with Virgin Media (after flirting with Sky and AOL!!!!)
I've also got Sky Sports as well so i'm very happy as i've now got rugby on tap yippeee! Fingers crossed this is the last of my broadband problems and i can look forward to trouble free broadband access.
Got a day off work today, now i do anaesthetics i only work a four day week which is nice (also off tomorrow as well cos i gotta work on saturday instead, but i don't mind too much). Anaesthetics is going ok for now, not had any major obstacles yet so that will be the acid test. All the anaestnetists i've assisted so far have been understanding with me, but then i haven't had to deal with any of the arsey ones yet!
I've started a course in Critical Care nursing which is taking up a lot of my time, the timing is quite bad though cos i need to concentrate all my attention on establishing myself in anaesthetics, but then i'm well used to shooting myself in the foot so i guess i'll once again have to stare adversity in the face (why not, ive been doing that for the past 2 and a half years anyway ha ha ha!!!
Anyway, that the state of play at the mo.............................