[ I wrote this yesterday. Thought I'd posted it. Feh ]
Christmas is always a bit weird for me. Growing up Jewish, I hated it. Then I got old enough to avoid it for a while, and the resentment about having it shoved down my throat faded. Now I can enjoy my partners' enjoyment of it, and I like it quite a lot in my own right.
So, yesterday was pretty good. We don't have room for a full-sized tree at the moment, since we're in the middle of Shuffling the Universe to make room for Stephe, so we bought a 4.5' one and put it on one end of the dining room table. It was lovely. :-)
ankareeda_rm liked all her presents (I got her, among other things, a really nice frame for the picture we just got of her daughter and grandkids), and I was very happy with mine. The top one was definitely the board game
Thebes. The best moment of the day happened while we were playing it. I glanced out the window and saw snow! Big honkin' flakes (more like chunks, really)! It came down hard for quite a while, and accumulated about half an inch before turning back to rain. This is Portland, after all.
According to the paper it's been 70 years since there was significant snow on Christmas. Of course, now they're predicting 3-7 inches for tomorrow, which should be exciting; I'm glad
ankareeda_rm and I aren't leaving for my Mom's in Arizona until Friday...