UlquiHime Smut: All I Want

Nov 30, 2011 06:01

Name: All I Want
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5 119
Summary: Smutty AU that begins in a library ... There's nothing more I can add to that really. Oh, there's a BJ and On-Top Hime ... Those are always good, right?
Notes: My entry for the smut-fest over at


Unbearable. That was one immensely appropriate word at that moment in time. Others included; Frustrating (in more ways than one), infuriating, vexing, distracting, confusing, bewildering, and - always a good one - downright annoying.

Orihime pushed a book back in its intended place with more force than was strictly necessary. If her work partner noticed, he chose to ignore it.

She had come to work at the library several months ago - Orihime wasn’t entirely sure why she had decided to apply, considering she’d meant to find a job as a waitress, but something about the two-story, ceiling to floor library had appealed to her. Two days later, she’d been called to say that they needed help as soon as possible, and Orihime had been there ever since.

For the most part, she enjoyed it. It was quiet, the staff were friendly (Well, for the most part. The owner creeped her out a little bit, but since he mostly kept to himself … Orihime didn’t dwell on it much.) and the hours were lenient enough that she was also able to work part time in a small café ten minutes down the road.

The only thing that was frustrating her was Ulquiorra - Orihime paused in re-stocking the shelves to shoot a glare over her shoulder at his back. She’d been attracted to him the very instant she’d laid eyes on him, and with those luminous green eyes and that thick, raven hair framing an unnaturally pale face, who could really blame her?

Rangiku had been quick to warn her that he was notorious for being blunt to the point of cruelty, though, and to tell her that he never associated himself with the other workers. The busty-blonde theorised that, if it weren’t for the fact that he was fantastic at keeping the database up to date, and able to fix the computers when they broke (Something Orihime came to realise only happened when Rangiku was put on the Computer-shift) and that he practically never took a day off, Aizen would have fired him ages ago.

Within her first week though, Orihime had already begun to question Rangiku’s analysis of Ulquiorra. She came to realise that, while he certainly was blunt, he never seemed to mean to be rude - He just told the truth in a way that tended to come across that way. This was proven to Orihime the first time they’d spoken.

“You shouldn’t stretch yourself like that, Woman,” he’d scolded, a frown on his face as he noticed Orihime stretching up on her tip-toes to try and slide a book out of the top shelf, her fingertips scrabbling to try and find purchase on the lowest part of its spine. “Not only are you likely to hurt yourself, it would be far more efficient to simply find the stool and be done with it.”

Orihime had blinked at him with surprise for a moment before she’d burst into laughter. At the sound, Ulquiorra’s frown deepened, and a single eyebrow arched questioningly before he shook his head and returned to whatever task he’d been in the middle of.

From that day on, Orihime had made a point to greet Ulquiorra of a morning. The first time she’d done so, Neliel had frantically tried to sign to Orihime to stop, only to have her jaw fall open with surprise as Ulquiorra nodded his head in acknowledgment. Later that day, Orihime found out that anyone who had tried to say good morning to Ulquiorra before, especially before he’d had his coffee, had been on the receiving end of a glare so intense it actually made some people’s skin crawl. At the time, Orihime hadn’t understood why she’d gone home that night with a beaming smile on her face.

It wasn’t until she repeatedly caught herself staring at him when she thought that no one was looking that Orihime started to question the way that she watched him, question the way that she inexplicably started to look forward to work at the library, the way that she started to take care with the way that she dressed, or the way that she did her hair of a morning.  No, she didn’t think to look into the habit until he caught her staring one time and butterflies had instantly burst to life at the look - At the way that he seemed to stare directly into her soul despite the fact that he was up on the second floor of the library while she was sitting at the reception desk. It was in that moment Orihime realised that, somehow, she had fallen in love with the green eyed man. Or, at the very least, in lust with him.

Despite the realisation, Orihime had intended to ignore the feeling completely - It wasn’t appropriate to develop feelings for a workmate. If she ignored it, it would surely go away - At least, that had been her intention until a few nights ago.

The night of Rangiku’s birthday, they had all gone out after work to celebrate. Hours and hours (And bottles and bottles of alcohol) later, Rangiku had sidled up to Orihime and announced in a stage whisper, “He is always looking at you, you know. He doesn’t seem to realise he does it - But everyone’s noticed. Everyone except you darl.”

Naturally enough, Orihime had blushed at the words and asked “Who?”. She hadn’t expected Rangiku to tilt her head inconspicuously to the side, and when Orihime’s gaze followed the direction, she found Ulquiorra’s eyes fixed on her. He’d held her gaze for a few seconds, before he looked elsewhere with what seemed to be a concentrated effort, if the sudden tightness of his lips were any indication.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, and gathering up her courage, Orihime had thrust her drink at Rangiku before she stormed over to Ulquiorra. With determination, she’d set herself on the pillow beside him and said, rather anticlimactically, “Hi.”

As she thought about it now, Orihime hit her head against the shelving softly. Of all the things she could have said to open up a conversation with him, she couldn’t have thought of something better than Hi?

It had been enough though, because an hour or so later, she and Ulquiorra had been engrossed in a debate about the relevance of fairy tales in children’s lives - Orihime was adamant that they were a necessity because they encouraged the imagination of a child, encouraged them to dream of Prince Charming’s and epic battles with witches. Ulquiorra, on the other hand, thought that they simply set a child up for a lifetime of disappointment. How he came to that conclusion, Orihime still couldn’t understand, but he seemed equally perplexed about Orihime’s opinion on the matter.

Shortly afterwards, she found out that Ulquiorra knew more about her life than she would have ever guessed, all things considered. She couldn’t even recall how they’d got on to the topic, she could only remember the blush that had spread across her cheeks as Ulquiorra told her, “Your full name is Inoue Orihime, age twenty-four. You studied to work in a childcare centre, and moved here as soon as you finished your course. Your favourite food is honey and red bean paste on bread, your favourite colour is lilac, and your dream is to own your own daycare centre.”

Pulling the final book from the trolley to return to the shelves, Orihime blushed as she considered how much Ulquiorra knew about her, while she knew so little about him. Which brought her right back to feeling frustrated - How was it that he knew so much about her anyway? And why did he remember it all? She didn’t think she was that interesting. Not only that, but was what Rangiku said true? Did he watch her as much as she’d been watching him? And, if that were the case … Why? There was only one conclusion that she could think of, but how could that be possible?

And with all these thoughts whirling around her head, coupled with the fact that Ulquiorra was working on the shelves behind, Orihime was feeling tenser than a mouse thrown into a cat-pen.

Huffing out a sigh, she stretched up on her tip-toes to slot the book in its place. Her thoughts were brought to a screeching halt as a pale hand eased the book from her stretching hand and pushed it into place. Orihime’s heart began to pound erratically as she realised that Ulquiorra was standing so close behind her that she could feel the heat emanating off him.

“This is … Unbearable,” he said slowly, his voice deep and thoughtful. Orihime swallowed the lump in her throat. He still hadn’t moved away - in fact, his finger tips were lingering on the back of her still out-stretched hand.

“Ul-Ulquiorra?” Orihime breathed, not daring to move, terrified of what would happen if she did. Equally terrified of what would happen if she didn’t.

“Have I not made myself clear?” he asked, and Orihime looked over her shoulder, her eyes wide and curious as she noticed the way he was looking at her. There was something brimming behind his eyes, some unspoken emotion that Orihime felt she recognised.

“Clear about …?” she asked in a whisper, feeling anything louder would break the moment.

Ulquiorra’s eyes continued to bore into hers silently, searching for something. For what, Orihime couldn’t possibly know, but she was undeniably disappointed as his lips tightened in a frown before he said, “Nevermind,” and stepped back away from her, his hand sliding into his pocket as he did so. Her skin was still tingling from where he’d touched.

In the next split second, several thoughts darted through Orihime’s mind - Don’t. No. That wasn’t how that was supposed to end. And, before she knew what she was doing, she had spun around and taken hold of the collar of Ulquiorra’s shirt. With something bordering on manic-desperation, she pulled him to her by the hold she had on his shirt and pressed up so that their lips met.

For months now she had been dying to do that, and to have Ulquiorra so close, have him so near with the thoughts that had been buzzing through her mind, it had been so frustrating, so maddening, that even that brief contact was enough to make Orihime breathe out a little sigh of relief.

And then Ulquiorra’s hand came to rest at the small of her back, gently angling her towards him as much was possible, and a shot of liquid heat rushed to the pits of her stomach.

“Ulquiorra,” she gasped, “I want - I mean, I need - That is…” Orihime blushed at the images dancing through her mind. And although some logical part of her was pointing out that he was a workmate, that she barely even knew the guy, that logical part was quickly silenced as Ulquiorra took hold of her face between his palms and looked at her with such intensity as he said,

“I want you.”

The words were enough to make her moan just a little as she arched her hips into his more fully than before, one hand quickly coming to tangle in his hair as their lips met once more. Then Ulquiorra’s tongue swiped over Orihime’s lower lip, asking entrance, and she didn’t hesitate to welcome him, only too readily meeting his tongue stroke for stroke.

Seconds later, Orihime felt the bookshelf dig into her back, and she hadn’t even realised that they had been moving backwards until Ulquiorra was pinning her against it, their bodies touching from chest to toe, and - Oh, Orihime mentally sighed as she realised exactly what it was that was pressing into her thigh.

“Where - Do you live?” she pulled back to ask, trembling a little as Ulquiorra began trailing kisses down her jaw and neck. Going to her house was unacceptable - She lived half an hour away and she honestly did not think she would last that long. Not now that something was finally being done about that unresolved sexual tension she’d been enduring.

“Not far.” Silently, Orihime sent a grateful thanks up to the heavens. At the rate things were going, she would have only too happily let Ulquiorra thoroughly ravish her in the library. She groaned softly at the image that flickered through her mind at the thought. A groan that quickly turned into a breathy sigh as Ulquiorra grazed his teeth over the skin on the side of her neck.

Hesitantly, Orihime placed a hand on Ulquiorra’s chest and gave him a gentle nudge backwards. “We - Can’t here,” Orihime panted, and she almost laughed at the regretful look that Ulquiorra fleetingly wore. She probably would have if he hadn’t captured her lips again in a slow, lingering kiss, the kind of which left Orihime completely breathless as he pulled away.

“Come with me, Woman,” he said, still close enough that his breath fanned out over Orihime’s still parted lips. Swallowing audibly, Orihime nodded and followed him to the Library entrance as if in a daze.

She only just remembered herself enough to bid Rangiku goodbye, the blonde the only other one left in the Library considering it was after-hours. It didn’t escape Orihime’s attention the way that Rangiku’s eyes flicked over to and lingered on Ulquiorra, who was waiting by the doorway, his gaze fixated on Orihime with almost impatience. Orihime couldn’t help but blush a bright red when Rangiku looked back towards her with a decidedly lewd smirk on her face.

“Have … fun,” she said, as she returned to whatever she was doing on the computer, and then added in an undertone, “I wondered how long it would take.” Orihime was already halfway across the foyer and barely even heard the comment.

As she and Ulquiorra stepped out into the chilly night air, it began to occur to Orihime what she was about to do - what they were about to do, and the thought both excited and terrified her. This would change everything. How would she react seeing him the next day, and the day after, if they went through with this? How would he react to seeing her?

She started to chew on her lower lip with anxiety. There was no way she could deny she’d been wanting this, her reaction back in the library was evidence enough of that, but - Orihime’s thoughts stalled as fingers twisted through hers, and she looked up at Ulquiorra with surprise.

He was looking down at her with an almost, not quite, but definitely hinted at smile on his lips, and then he was tugging her down the street, and Orihime decided that she would deal with all the what’s and how’s later. Right then, all she wanted was to push Ulquiorra into a wall and kiss him senseless.

Impatience very nearly got the better of her as they climbed a flight of stairs to his apartment, and she almost did exactly that, until Ulquiorra stopped at a door and dug a key out of his trench coat’s pocket. As the door swung open, Orihime’s heart began to race once more. Oh. Oh gods. Oh gods. Oh gods.

Ulquiorra regarded her with a contemplative look, clearly sensing her sudden uncertainty. Silently, he released her hand and walked inside, leaving the door wide open, and the meaning behind the gesture was as clear as the moon in the night sky - He wasn’t going to force her into anything she didn’t want. If she wanted this … She had to be the one to enter.

With a barely repressed growl, Orihime stepped into the apartment and pushed the door shut behind her, her chin tilted defiantly at Ulquiorra, “I want this,” she told him, “I’ve wanted this for longer than I care to admit.”

Ulquiorra continued to stare at her for a few moments, his gaze penetrating, and Orihime refused to back down from it. Eventually, he said, “Is that so?”

And it was as if a spell had been lifted with those words, because the very second they were uttered, Orihime surged forward at the same moment that Ulquiorra took a step towards her, their lips meeting somewhere between, and it was primal, and raw, and Orihime couldn’t stop mentally sighing yes, yes, yes, as she opened her mouth and Ulquiorra’s tongue instantly sought out hers.

Fumbling a little in her haste, Orihime undid the buttons of Ulquiorra’s coat, and pushed the material off his shoulders the very second it was loose. He helped by shifting his arms so the material fell to the floor, and was completely forgotten as he wound his arms around Orihime’s middle, holding her against him tight enough that he was able to pick her up off the floor and move them to the bedroom.

The very second Orihime felt the mattress behind her back, she rolled over so that she was straddling Ulquiorra’s waist. Impatiently, she tugged at the hem of her sweater and shirt and pulled them off, throwing them away from her as soon as she was free.

No sooner had the material left her hands, Ulquiorra sat up and claimed Orihime’s mouth in a kiss, one hand carding through her hair while the other came to rest against the base of her spine, and the feel of his hand on her bare skin drew a soft sigh from her lips.

With a slight smirk, Ulquiorra ducks his head and resumes kissing the side of Orihime’s throat, sucking and biting hard enough at certain points she’s certain he’s leaving bruises, but she can’t quite bring herself to care - It’s been cold enough lately that she could get away with wearing a turtleneck tomorrow.

Because she’s distracted by the feel of Ulquiorra’s lips on her neck, Orihime doesn’t realise one of his hands have moved until it comes to rest on her breast, his thumb rolling over the hardened nipple through the material of her bra.

“F-Fuck,” she groans, slowly grinding her hips up against Ulquiorra’s in response.

Tucking a hand under his chin, Orihime guides Ulquiorra back up from her neck with all intentions of kissing him, and feels a jolt of heat course through her at the way he’s looking at her, his pupils’ blown in his arousal. Just as their lips are about to meet, Orihime changes tactic and bites down on his lower lip instead. She’s rewarded for the split second decision when Ulquiorra’s hips snap up against hers.

She only has a moment to feel like she’s achieved a small victory though, because within the next second, Ulquiorra’s unclipped her bra and he looks up at her from under his lashes before he drags one of the straps down her arm with his teeth. Orihime’s breath hitches as he pushes the now-loose cup away with his nose, looks up at her again, before swiping his tongue over the newly revealed flesh just shy of her nipple. It’s enough to make Orihime gasp softly, her eyes closing to savour the feel as she instinctually arches into the contact.

Achingly slow, Ulquiorra trails his tongue lower until Orihime can feel his breath on the actual nipple. “Ah!” she hisses as he takes it into mouth, rolling it with his tongue, and it’s all she can do to thread her fingers through his hair, rocking her hips slowly into the erection she can feel against her thigh.

With a barely discernable growl, Ulquiorra takes hold of Orihime’s hips with both hands, as if trying to still her movements. But Orihime isn’t in the mood to take things slow - Maybe, some other time, but not right now. Right now … She just needs.

Frowning as she opens her eyes, it occurs to Orihime that Ulquiorra is still fully dressed, so she takes hold of his shirt and starts to tug at it. With a soft sigh that tickles as it fans out over Orihime’s bared skin, Ulquiorra pulls back to jerk the shirt over his head and tosses it into some corner of the room.

As soon as he’s done that, his eyes meet Orihime’s, and she can’t help but smile at him. She isn’t entirely sure why, she just does it, and his lips quirk with the beginning’s of a smile of his own before Orihime tilts her head and presses her lips to his.

And then she grins a little deviously as she tilts forward, forcing Ulquiorra back into the mattress. He doesn’t particularly mind, until Orihime pulls her mouth away from his and starts to kiss her way down his chest instead. She pauses to suck at the point of his throat just above his collarbone, her hands trailing lower and lower until they come to the waistband of his jeans.

Working at his belt with one hand, Orihime runs the other even further down, and grins as Ulquiorra half sighs-half hisses when her wandering hand finds his cock. Slowly kissing her way down his chest again, Orihime runs her hand back up to join the other with undoing his jeans.

Once she’s pulled the zipper down, Orihime shimmies herself lower so that she’s sitting in between his legs instead of atop Ulquiorra’s crotch, , and drags the jeans down with her. Glancing up at Ulquiorra, Orihime blushes when she sees that Ulquiorra has propped himself up on his elbows, watching her with obvious fascination. It’s a little embarrassing, and rather flattering all at the same time.

Scratching her nails up along his inner thigh, Orihime shifts so that she can kiss his hip bone. Both hands still running along the inside of his thighs, gradually creeping closer to his cock, Orihime continues to trail kisses along the arch of Ulquiorra’s hips, always skirting just outside of the hemline of his boxers.

“Woman,” Ulquiorra growls, and a glance up reveals that he’s thrown himself back on the bed, his arms crossed over his eyes as if he’s trying to hold something in. The idea makes Orihime giggle very softly, and Ulquiorra pulls his arms away to glare at her at the sound.

Just as he opens his mouth to say something though, Orihime tugs the waistband of his boxers down and lays her next kiss right where his leg meets his crotch. Whatever Ulquiorra was going to say is lost to the hastily bitten off curse, and his head lolls back onto the pillows once more.

Almost tentatively, Orihime brings a hand to Ulquiorra’s cock, and drags her thumb over the slit before sliding it down to the base, only to bring it back up again. She pumps three times before she shifts so that her mouth is hovering over the head.

As Orihime edges herself lower, her tongue zigzagging along the skin as she goes, Ulquiorra can’t bite back his groan. Mentally, Orihime smiles at the sound. Physically, she starts to trace a different pattern with her tongue as she pulls back up, the hand not shallowly pumping at Ulquiorra’s base coming to lightly massage his balls.

“Bloody hell,” she hears moaned, and a glance up reveals Ulquiorra’s thrown his arms over his eyes again, and if it weren’t for the fact that his breathing is shallow, Orihime might be concerned she’d done something wrong.

Smiling to herself at the encouraging reaction, she runs her tongue along the slit before she starts to take Ulquiorra in her mouth again.

She manages to repeat this twice before Ulquiorra hisses, “I can’t-,” and he’s pulling her back up to him then, and she all too willingly follows as Ulquiorra draws her in for a deep, languid kiss.

Until she remembers that she still has her panties and jeans on, which goes completely against her current wants.

“Wait,” she says as she rolls to the side and Ulquiorra watches her with curious eyes as she hurriedly pushes them down. As soon as she does though, she’s temporarily overcome with self-consciousness, and she glances up at Ulquiorra uncertainly.

He’s looking at her with such reverence that Orihime can’t help but blush and smile shyly. But then, he holds a hand out invitingly, and she doesn’t hesitate to crawl back onto the bed and make her way back up to where she’d been moments before. Ulquiorra pulls her into another breath taking kiss the very second she gets there.

But she can feel that his dick is teasing against her entrance, and though she can feel Ulquiorra’s hands ghosting their way up the back of Orihime’s thighs, she aligns her hips and rolls and -

“Ohhh,” she moans at the feel, and Ulquiorra hastily buries his head in her neck, panting against her collarbone

The two of them stay like that for a moment, both simply panting as they adjust to the sensations, but then Orihime grinds her hips experimentally, and it sends a jet of white hot fire to that place deep within, and she can’t help but gasp and throw her head back.

Steadying herself by holding onto Ulquiorra’s sides, Orihime rolls her hips forward again, and lifts up the slightest amount on her way back, only to roll forward once more. Each motion feels like it’s driving Ulquiorra up further within, and each move is making that place within her clench, and tighten, and Orihime can feel fine hairs are sticking to her forehead, but she just doesn’t care, because Gods, it feels so good.

Orihime hisses some inarticulate noise when Ulquiorra jerks up and brings a hand up to twine through the hair at the base of her neck, resting his forehead on hers so that each of their laboured breaths tangle together. The inarticulate noise quickly turns into a drawn-out moan that is pulled from her throat as he starts to thrust up in time to each roll of her hips.

Focusing her half-lidded gaze on Ulquiorra, Orihime realises that he’s still staring at her as if she’s the only thing he ever wants to see, and it sends another jolt of fire through her.

Just as Orihime can feel that she’s getting so, so close, Ulquiorra grips her hips and rolls them both over so that Orihime’s pinned beneath him.

“I … Had been … Enjoying that,” Orihime half whines- half pants, the rebuke broken up by pleasured gasps as Ulquiorra continues to thrust into her, hitting all new sweet spots thanks to the new angle.

“Next time,” he growls, silencing any objections Orihime may have had with a kiss. Orihime’s too caught up on the implications of those words to particularly care, she simply wraps her legs tight around Ulquiorra’s waist and runs her hands through his hair.

It felt like there was a white hot fire burning with her, and as Ulquiorra snaps his hips forward almost violently, Orihime swears that she can see stars. And then he does it again, and the fire that had been burning completely consumes her and she yells out something that may have been Ulquiorra’s name as she’s overcome by her release.

As if that was the signal he’d been waiting for, Ulquiorra begins to thrust erratically as Orihime convulses beneath him. And then, the grip he has on Orihime’s hair becomes almost painfully tight, and he stills as he comes to his own release.

For the next few moments, the two of them simply lay there panting. Ulquiorra’s head buries itself in the crook between Orihime’s neck and shoulder, and Orihime feels irrationally empty as Ulquiorra slips out. He makes no move to get off her though, and so, she uncertainly brings a hand up to trail a random pattern on his back

As Orihime lay there, her heart beating frantically in her chest, she isn’t quite sure what she should be doing now - She isn’t sure what this means either. Should she stay, or should she go? Does this mean they’re together, or was it just a one time thing?

She’s working herself into such an anxious state, that when Ulquiorra finally raises himself up so that he can look down at her, she isn’t sure whether she should smile or not. He manages to erase the fears flitting around her mind as he lowers himself back down to press a surprisingly tender kiss to her lips though, and Orihime can hear the message behind it as clearly as if Ulquiorra had spoken it. Stay.

And, as she rolls onto her side so that she can sleep, her head resting on Ulquiorra’s chest as she does so, she thinks that maybe everything will work out alright, even without them needing to clarify. Ulquiorra didn’t strike her as the kind to feel the need to label each relationship he had anyway so … Maybe it would be okay. Maybe.

When Orihime walked in to work the next day however (Ulquiorra had left her a note informing her that he’d gone on ahead and that she was welcome to help herself to whatever she could find), she should have known that things were not going to be that simple. Not when someone like Rangiku watches you leave together, with the intent between you obvious.

Orihime barely managed to repress a sigh as Rangiku stormed up to her and gave her that look. The one that practically screamed Well?

Before Orihime could even open her mouth to answer - Answer what, she had no idea. But answer all the same - her hand was taken hold of and she was spun around. She had the briefest moment to realise it was Ulquiorra, and had just enough time for a blush to stain her cheeks, before her mouth had been claimed in an almost defiant kiss, and Orihime instantly responded to that kiss.

It took a few moments for Orihime to realise that Ulquiorra was kissing her in their workplace. It took her a further few moments to realise that it wasn’t just Rangiku who was witnessing it - It was all of the staff at the library. She thought she even saw Aizen peek out of his office for a moment.

As Ulquiorra pulled back and all but glared at everyone staring, Orihime realised that she didn’t have to ask. The answer to her questions were obvious - It was evident in the way that he was holding her tight against him, in the way that he was still glaring vehemently at everyone nearby, practically daring them to comment.

Mine, he was saying, and Orihime couldn’t stop the relieved grin from spreading on her face.

Silently, she took hold of Ulquiorra’s hand and led him towards the kitchen. In all likelihood, he was yet to have his coffee, and maybe he’d stop glaring icy daggers at everyone if he had one.



WHY did I have to change my mind about what I was going to write for the fest, the day before the entries were due in? Jfc.
Well, anyway, hope that you guys enjoyed that all the same. I was honestly tempted to make them have sex in the library ... Until the plot of it started fleshing itself out and I was like "... That, is not going to work" ... So instead, I gave you making out in the library! Yay!

I'm also sincerely hoping I don't look at this tomorrow and think "Oh gods no" cos ... I can't change my entry after this XD

fest-entry, fanfiction, smut, ulquihime

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