
Mar 27, 2011 19:21

This one seemed interesting, so I thought I'd do it. Come to think of it ... It's been a while since I've done a meme (Taken from jubilee_berry)
The Rules:
- Answer each of the questions below using the Flickr Search engine.
- Choose a photo from the first three pages.
- Copy the URL of your favorite photo into this site:
- Save mosaic to some form of photo hosting thing, and share with the world.

I was gonna make a game of this and see what you guys could guess without my answers ... But then decided that, maybe, it was silly XD

1. First Name
Let me give you a hint: It's the same name as the only African-American Disney princess =D (I suppose that's why the cake looks like her dress??)
2. Favorite Food
Should be no surprise ... Japanese food. Although, I can't stand fish >.>
3. Hometown
Melbourne city bb
4. Favorite Color
This one was difficult ... Cause I have three favourite colours: Black, Red and Purple ... And I hated all the images that came up for them individually, and together ... But then I remembered I have a major obsession with that shade of green right now.
5. Celebrity Crush
Hnnnngh Gerard Butler ♥
6. Favorite Drink
Melon Soda - Typically, something I dont have access to here in Aus
7. Dream Vacation
Even if I've already been ... Still Japan.
8. Favorite Dessert
Chocolate Parfait
9. What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
10. What I Love Most In The World
Sleep. It lets you escape the materialistic world, lets your fancies take flight. It allows you to let go of your worries and just be free.
11. One Word That Describes Me
Dreamer. My head's always in the clouds, off writing fanfiction, or just imagining different scenarios.
12. My LiveJournal Name

By the way guys ... There's this thing that kinda been bothering me. I saw a gif at ... some point. I can't remember when, but I haven't been able to get it out of my head lately.
The annoying part is ... I can't even remember much about it. It was an anime, I think it might have even been a mecha-anime. I don't know ... What I do remember, is that it was this guy who transformed in a very Sailor Moon-esque transformation. About the only thing I can really remember about said transformation, was that the guy did something of a hip-pop, and brought his hand down from above his head ... I suppose like he was throwing the transformation down to his feet? Can't remember exactly ... Anyway, what I can remember is that the transformation gave him these amazing tight, navy-blue boots that were almost thigh high (seriously. On a guy), and I think a cape of sorts? Perhaps even coat-tails? And I think the transformation gave him two-toned hair ... ... ? >.> Vague description is vague
Does that sound familiar to anyone at all? I just remember the gif mesmerised me (it had something to do with the hip-pop and the omg-almost-thigh-high-boots on a male character?!) but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it, naturally enough.

meme, time-wasting, random, picspam

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