Pairing Drabble Meme: L - Lust

Nov 28, 2010 22:01

Finally completed another of the drabble meme prompts =3

Title: Lust
Series: Kimi Ni Todoke
Pairing: AyaPin
Words: 5 021
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for shoua123


It was wrong, of that much Ayane was aware. But it didn’t help with her mind-wanderings in the slightest. After all, it wasn’t as if she could help the way her body reacted.

The first time it happened, it had shocked the hell out of her. Ayane hadn’t been feeling well that day at all, and no matter how many times a worried Chizuru insisted she just went home, no matter how many concerned looks Sawako cast her way, Ayane refused to give in to the general feeling of queasiness that had overtaken her body. She knew she was stronger than that.

What she hadn’t expected was the way her head had suddenly become whoozy while running the track for her P.E lesson. The world had begun to spin before Ayane even had a chance to realise it was happening, and just as the ground began rushing up to meet her, there was a blur of orange and she fell into a surprisingly lean chest.

For a moment, Ayane had thought it was Chizuru, except the chest she was leaning against was much more toned than Chizu’s was, and there was definitely a lack of female endowments supporting her as she laid there, her breath coming out in laboured pants.
Then he’d spoken, and Ayane’s face was overcome with a heat that had nothing to do with her sickness. “Oi, you alright?” Pin had asked her, his gruff tone laced with a concern that Ayane felt didn’t deserve to be there.

Instantly defensive, Ayane had forced her shaky legs to support her weight as she stood, holding herself at full height as she snapped, “I’m fine,” at Pin, before spinning about, fully intending to return to running the track.

She’d barely been able to take a step away from him before her knees gave out and she was once again caught by her teacher. “You need to go home,” Pin sighed at her as if he were scolding a particularly stubborn child - and, Ayane supposed, that was probably how Pin saw her as well, a thought that caused an inexplicable surge of pain to shoot through her.

The world had shifted again seconds later, and Ayane had dimly realised she was looking up at the sky instead, Pins arms hooked beneath her knees, and his other hand supporting her weight at her back. “Hurry up and finish your laps!” Ayane had heard him screech at the class that had gathered around, all of which had been tittering with interest.

Before she’d had the chance to protest - and she’d heard Chizuru run over, demanding to know what happened, and the tentative “Yano-san?”s from Sawako - she felt her limp legs sway as Pin carried her away elsewhere. Before she’d lost consciousness, Ayane remembered wondering at the alluring, musky smell that was coming from Pin, she remembered thinking how, for such an annoying teacher, he was surprisingly thoughtful, and, most frustratingly of all, she could remember the feel of his arms supporting her weight easily, and the feel of his firm chest against her flushed body.

After that incident, Ayane had refused to look at Pin for weeks on end, pretending he didn’t exist - outside of a muttered, “Thankyou” the day she’d returned to school - but that hadn’t stopped the memory of the feel of his arms holding her tight, or the impression of musk that surrounded him.

The next thing that had really shaken Ayane up mentally was something that had been even less within her control than her near-collapse. She’d dreamt. Of all the irritating, frustrating, useless people Ayane could have had playing a role in her dream, her subconscious had chosen Pin.

Thankfully, the dream had been short lived, just long enough for Ayane to realise who had landed a star role in her dream, long enough for the dream-Pin to press Ayane into a wall, his hard chest tight against her own, and press his lips to hers in a none-too-tentative kiss, just long enough for the dream-Ayane to eagerly kiss her teacher back.

She’d jolted awake at that point. It had taken her a few moments before she’d fully realised what had just happened, and once she had, Ayane took hold of the pillow behind her head and flung it towards the ceiling, shouting “what the hell?!” to the world in the early hours of the morning. She hadn’t been able to comfortably sleep for the rest of the night, too worried that Pin would slip back into her dreams, and so she’d simply lay there, moodily wondering why it had been Pin.

Which was precisely what she was still doing, even though she was now at school, waiting for home room to finish already - if only so she could escape Pin’s presence and forget the dream. The instant she’d seen him, flashes of the dream had assaulted her, forcing her cheeks a crimson that was unlike her, and it annoyed Ayane more than she cared to admit. Especially since the instant Chizuru had walked in she’d exclaimed, “You’re really red Yano-chin! You’re not sick again are you?”

“I am not!” Ayane retorted, folding her arms across her chest, “It’s just a little warm today,” she added, hoping that would be reason enough for Chizuru.

Unexpectedly, Chizuru looked at her shrewdly, before asking, “Then, why are you still in a sweater?”

Ayane opened her mouth to retort, when she was distracted by the sight of Sawako entering the classroom, Kazehaya close behind. Leaping at the distraction, Ayane called out, “Ah, Morning Sawako-chan, Kazehaya!”

Chizuru turned immediately to also greet them, and Ayane blew out a sigh of relief, Safe, she thought, before she looked up and noticed Pin looking at her, a curious look to his eye. Instantly, Ayane was reminded of the feeling of those arms pressing her into the wall and she forced herself to avert her attention to Chizuru and the others. Her mind was still wondering though, why was it Pin in that dream? Or, more importantly, why had she had a dream like that about him?

The day was almost at a close, and after hours and hours of speculation, Ayane had but one explanation for Pin’s appearance in her dream, but it was an explanation she didn’t care to admit, an explanation she didn’t even want to acknowledge. It was there nevertheless though, she felt the telltale signs surround her whenever Pin was around - her eyes were drawn to him, and everytime she so much as glanced at him, images of the dream came to her. As the day pressed on, the images slowly evolved, moving from a heated kiss, to things much deeper, and all the more forbidden.

Ayane knew it wasn’t right, allowing her mind to further the image a dream had planted in her mind, least of all about her teacher, and one that annoyed the hell out of her at that, but, she was realising, rationality had nothing to do with lust.

What really infuriated her was the way the images affected her, it was Pin for heavens sake, but she felt a heat blossoming in the pit of her stomach nevertheless, each and every time it happened.

Ayane frowned at the script she was holding in front of her, a sudden thought occurring to her. Was it possible she actually cared for that idiotic teacher? Was it that which had spurred the dream?

Glancing over at the auburn-haired teacher that was snoozing in a chair while his homeroom practised for the cultural festival, all Yano felt was irritation - of course he’d be slacking off while they did the work - her heart didn’t start to beat erratically, making that “doki doki” noise they do in the manga’s Chizuru read, she didn’t feel a sudden tenderness for the teacher, or anything that might have implied a feeling of care towards him.

Though she didn’t feel an inexplicable onslaught of fondness, Ayane couldn’t help but notice the way Pin’s biceps were defined, resting behind his head as they were, his chest taut and his shirt stretched tight over the defined muscles there - and that did make a tingle of heat rush through her. With a heavy sigh, she returned her attention to the script before her, trying hard to ignore the way her skin suddenly felt feverish, and the feeling of eyes boring into her back

It seemed to take forever, but after the class had gone through the script a few times, each person slowly becoming familiar with their character, Pin finally woke up from his nap. When he did, the thing that brought everyone’s attention to him was the shriek of “Why didn’t anyone wake me! It’s night already! I’ve probably missed my shows now! Go on, all of you! Go home!” and he stood by the doorway, harrumphing until the class finally vacated the room, all laughing about how they hadn’t even realised it was dark.

Ayane lingered outside the school gates, watching with a touch of envy as Kazehaya insisted he take Sawako home - those two hadn’t even walked out of sight of the school before Kazehaya twined their hands together, making a few people mutter with surprise.

“Will you be okay, Yano-chin?” asked Chizuru, Ryu hovering unobtrusively nearby, making it evident he wasn’t leaving without Chizuru. Ayane smiled to herself at Ryu’s subtle protectiveness, she had a feeling that, before long, they would also become a couple.

“I’ll be fine, Chizu,” Ayane said, waving her best friend off with an impatient hand. “Go, you were going to have Ramen tonight weren’t you?” she added with an amused smile.

“Oh yeah!” Chizuru cried, as though she’d completely forgotten, before taking off at a run, Ryu following with a soft sigh. Chizu had barely passed the school barriers before she’d turned and waved at Ayane, “See you tomorrow, Yano-chin!” Chizuru called happily, and Ayane waved back at her with an indulgent smile on her face.

As soon as Chizuru vanished over the hill, however, the smile faded from Ayane’s face as she sighed deeply. It was a little lonesome, she realised, to be the only one not falling in love, or to have someone in love with you. Shaking the thoughts from her head, Ayane began to trek home as well.

She wasn’t even halfway down the road from the school when Ayane realised she was being followed, not very well because she could hear their footsteps easily, but followed nevertheless.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, Ayane glanced over her shoulder and noticed a bright orange shirt leap behind a bush. She continued looking at the bush with shock, her eyes wide with it, before her lips curled into an irritated grimace.

“Shouldn’t you be running home to watch your shows?” she called out irritably. She’d had him in her thoughts all day, she did not need Pin following her home. And, what was he doing coming this way anyway, he lived near Chizuru and Ryu, didn’t he?

Ayane waited for a few moments, one hand on her hip. Pin didn’t acknowledge her call, however, he simply crouched behind the bush as if he hadn’t heard Ayane. “Oh, whatever,” Ayane grouched, turning around on her heel and walking faster.

When she turned around again a few minutes later, Pin was still following her - she could see him trying to meld in with a light pole, though his orange sweatshirt made the act nigh impossible.

“What are you doing, stupid teacher?” Ayane snapped, her patience beginning to wear thin, her arms folded across her chest as she glared at the shoulders she could see.

Scowling when he didn’t respond again, Ayane stormed back up the street and stood in front of him, her arms braced on her hips, and her eyebrow twitching with her frustration.

“What are you doing?” she asked again, and Pin visibly tried to shrink back into the light pole.

“Ah ha ha!” he sounded, taking on the obnoxious voice he used at times. “You found me.”

Ayane didn’t say anything, her scowl simply deepened as she kept her irritated gaze on Pin, wanting an explanation. It was downright creepy that he was following her home.

After a moment, he seemed to quail under her gaze and looked off to the side. “Girls shouldn’t walk home alone at this time of night,” he said with a shrug as if that made it alright he was following her.

For a mere moment Ayane was taken aback - it almost sounded as if he was worried about her, walking home in the dark - but then she gathered herself and glared.

Without another word, she walked away from Pin and made her way back down the street. When she was a few feet away from the light pole, she called out over her shoulder, “Fine! But don’t you dare get any closer than that,” firing another glare at the back of the man she could see still attempting to hide behind the light post.

And that was the way the following days seemed to progress. School proceeded as it ever did, with the class gathering together at the end of the day to practise for the play they were going to be putting on for the cultural festival, and during the days, Ayane would try her best to ignore Pin.

Even though she hadn’t dreamt again since that night, she could still feel the after effects of it, and after the wanton thoughts she’d allowed to run out of control that first day, it was harder to forget than she would have thought, or liked. Especially because Pin insisted of following her home every night.

More than once, Ayane had snapped and demanded to know why he was following her, he lived in the opposite direction to her after all, but Pin remained resolutely silent, simply shrugging and repeating his earlier words.

“Girls shouldn’t walk home alone at this time of night.”

On the third night, Ayane was almost home when she abruptly turned and, caught off guard, Pin had no time to duck behind anything. And so, he stood there, his hands in his pockets, studiously looking at anything but the girl before him, Ayane scrutinising him suspiciously.

“I don’t get it, there are sure to be others who are walking home alone at this time of night. Why single me out?” she asked, “Why follow me? It seems strange, no matter the way I look at it.”

Pin cocked his head and finally met her eyes, and when he did, Ayane was surprised to see an almost … She didn’t know what look on his face, but it wasn’t the indifferent one he normally wore, nor was it the idiotic teacher face she was used to seeing.

“You’re not looking at it from every angle then,” Pin said, with a mild shrug, his gaze travelling up towards the sky.

Ayane felt her frustration growing, a frustration that increased tenfold when Pin’s eyes swept down from the sky to focus on her once more, and in that moment she felt as though he had a distinctly predatory look to his eye - and it was a look that both invited and warned, and Ayane felt the fire break out on her skin again, something inside her pulsating with want. A want that, Ayane knew, she shouldn’t have fed, because now, as they stood in the dark deserted street, her mind brought forth a myriad of images that Ayane wished could have just stayed dormant.

Drawing in a shaky breath, Ayane glared at her teacher, trying to fight off the urge to lick her lips. And then, she fled. She ran the rest of the way home, trying to fight the urge to look over her shoulder at the man who was setting her aflame from the inside out.

Breathing heavily as she stood in her room, Ayane allowed herself to lean against the door, a trembling hand rising to rest at her temple. This was getting out of hand, she could feel that. Just as she was aware of that fact, she couldn’t help but feel as if she were hurtling towards a cliff, pulled inexorably towards the edge, and she couldn’t deny anymore that she was curious to know what was on the other side.

Impulsively, Ayane wandered over to her window and flicked the curtain aside a touch. There, under the lamplight where she’d left him, was Pin, standing with a hand pinching the bridge of his nose as he leant against the fence. A swell of emotions she couldn’t place rising within her as she looked at the figure below, Ayane jerked the curtain closed with more force than was necessary and stormed out of the room to go have a relaxing bath.

The next morning, Ayane was almost dreading seeing Pin again, so much so she’d stood outside the gates of the school for almost five minutes, just looking up at it with a heavy feeling settling in the pit of her stomach. Just as she wondered whether she should just turn around and go back home - an act that wasn’t like her at all, Ayane was normally the type to face issues head on - Chizuru ran up the hill, running late, and tugged Ayane’s arm along with her as she ran into the school and towards home room.

It was with reluctance that Ayane entered the home room - she hadn’t been able to explain to herself why she had been compelled to run away last night, and thinking on it now, it seemed incredibly childish to have done so, but there was no way around the fact that she had run away, just like a child.

Forcing a smile on her face, Ayane walked into the home room and greeted those who greeted her, hoping her air of ‘I don’t give a damn’ was convincing. The instant she’d entered the classroom though, she was sure she could feel eyes watching her, eyes that she tried her damnedest to ignore as she began talking to Sawako.

After a few moments, Sawako frowned uncertainly, leaned in a little closer and asked tentatively, “Yano-san, is everything alright? You don’t seem yourself,” and though Sawako’s eyes were swimming with concern, her mouth frowning a touch, Ayane couldn’t possibly tell her what was troubling her - how did you explain to someone you were lusting after your teacher, which was becoming seriously frustrating? Especially when he seemed to refuse to leave you alone.

Before she had a chance to even try to answer Sawako, Pin called out, “All right, all right, back to your seats!” and Ayane hoped the way she’d jumped at his voice went unnoticed.

Sawako was not the only one to notice Ayane was not herself through the day though, Chizuru kept glancing at her from her seat, a suspicious look on her face which Ayane made a point to ignore.

Nothing was as frustrating as when the day ended and they began to practise for the cultural play again though. A glance over her shoulder revealed that Pin, who up until that day had slept through the practise sessions, was looking at her, with an intense look on his face. His arms were folded over his chest, and he was balancing his chair on it’s hindlegs, his expression thoughtful. Though Pin made a point to look around the rest of the room as well, whenever Ayane looked up and happened to meet his eye, she could have sworn the air became electrically charged, and she began to wonder if the rest of the class were able to feel it too, for Ryu decidedly kept glancing between Pin and her, a curious look to his eye.

When the practise finished for that day - and Ayane was incredibly glad it was a Saturday, which meant she wouldn’t have to see Pin at all the next day - Ayane almost ran from the room, eager to get away from the suffocating feeling in the air. She could have sworn she’d heard someone mutter “Don’t you think there’s some UST between Pin and Yano-san lately?” as she passed though, and it made her want to beat that stupid teacher within an inch of his life. Brilliant, just brilliant, Ayane mentally grumbled as she walked, the last thing she needed was for rumours about she and Pin spreading around the school now.

Heaving a sigh, Ayane adjusted her bag as she walked. Who’d have thought she’d find herself in the situation she was in now? It was ludicrous, to say the least. But that didn’t make the fact that she was in this situation any less real, if only she could figure out a way to get out of it…

Glancing over her shoulder, Ayane wasn’t exactly surprised to see the figure walking down the street behind her, hands in his pockets.

“Hey, don’t you think you’re going a bit far with this whole thing?” Ayane asked, a hand coming to rest on her hip as she watched Pin walking towards her.

“Nope,” he said simply, coming to a stop beside her. Ayane looked up at him curiously, it was the first time he’d breached her request to not come near her, and it was setting her on edge in several ways at once.

Ayane sighed softly before walking again, Pin falling into step beside her, strangely silent as though he were contemplating something as he looked up at the starry sky above.

“I still don’t see why you’re doing this,” she told him, a trace of her frustration leaking through, “It’s not as if I haven’t walked home alone before at night.”

Pin simply glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, his face solemn somehow, and that worried Ayane more than she cared to admit.
Neither spoke for the rest of the way home, but Ayane kept glancing at the man walking beside her, his eyes carefully trained on the stars above. It was subtle, but Ayane felt, as they walked side by side, she could feel the same spark in the air that had been present at the rehearsals. Is this what her classmates had meant by UST? Ayane shook her head, refusing to think on it. Least of all with Pin right beside her.

As her house came into sight, Ayane almost breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to bid Pin goodnight. As she turned though, she faltered at the almost … hungry look that was present in Pin’s eye as their eyes met, and Ayane felt the fire within begin to burn once more.

The heat rose to her cheeks, and Ayane noticed the way that Pin’s eyes flicked down, taking in her flushed appearance. Because she was watching him with intrigue, Ayane saw the moment his eyes narrowed, his mouth tight, before he took hold of her bicep and spun her about so that they were in one of the alleyways, Ayane’s back pressed up tight against the wall and Pin’s arms holding the wall for support on either side of Ayane’s head.

“You need to stop doing that,” he told her, his voice thick and full of emotions that Ayane didn’t know how to place.

The smell of musk was overpowering her, and the fiery feeling she had in the pit of her stomach was burning all over her skin, making it a touch difficult for Ayane to fully comprehend what was happening. She found she didn’t really care though, because there was something about having Pin holding her in place against a wall in a dark alley that was so forbidden, so tempting, and oh-so-right that her skin didn’t feel as if it were simply burning, it was on fire.

“Do what?” Ayane asked, a touch surprised at how breathless she sounded.

“That, for one,” Pin told her, his voice layered, and Ayane realised his arms were trembling slightly, as though it was taking all his effort to keep them there. Ayane felt her heart race at the implication, at the images that flashed through her mind of where she’d rather those arms, like holding her tight to his body, for one.

“It’s your fault,” she hissed, trying to regain her senses - something that was proving inanely difficult as Pin pressed his forehead against hers and Ayane shivered in an unnamed anticipation.

“Really?” he asked, his voice laced with amusement that Ayane found highly irritating considering their close proximity.

All thoughts were erased from her mind as Pin shifted though, and Ayane was able to feel his breath on her lips, and she unconsciously held her own, waiting as her heart beat so erratically against her chest, she vaguely wondered if it was going to burst from her chest.
Drawing in a shaky breath, Pin seemed to be able to gather himself as he pulled back with tense, forced movements, drawing his arms back to his side in a way that suggested a great reluctance to do so. Ayane remained where she was, holding herself against the wall with shock, confusion and anger all rolling through her.

“Go home,” Pin told her, his voice deep with regret, and his eyes clouded over. Slowly, Ayane pulled herself up to her full height and clenched her hands into fists tight enough that she could feel her fingernails biting into the skin there.

“It isn’t nice to tease girls like that, Sensei,” she hissed, her eyes narrowed with anger. She had never felt so humiliated before, not even when she’d gone to school with the bruises left by that foolish ex who’d slapped her.

Pin was looking down at his feet, and though Ayane could feel his remorse in the air, it did naught to appease her self-righteous anger. “Ah, but I forget. People my age are just brats to you, right, and so our feelings are of lesser concern.” Ayane could feel the angry tears springing to her eyes, and she hated them. She hated the way it made her seem childish - and worse, that it was over Pin.

He finally looked up at her words, his eyes showing signs of anger, but Ayane didn’t care. Why should she? She felt as though he’d just taken a glimpse into her thoughts and used them to mock her. “You’re wrong,” he told her, and Ayane barely noticed the way his own hands had clenched into fists by his sides, “I don’t think you’re a brat like that Kurumi-girl.”

“Then why don’t you finish what you started?” Ayane snapped, her hip jutting to one side as she folded her arms.

The last thing she’d expected to hear were the words that Pin spoke, however, “Because you’re not just a brat to me,” he said softly, and Ayane felt shock override the anger.

“What?” she breathed, confused. What on earth was Pin trying to say?

He simply sighed, shook his head as thought trying to distract himself from something, and began to walk away. Before she’d even realised what she was doing, Ayane darted over and took hold of his arm, her eyes wide, trying to understand.

Pin glanced at her, his eyes betraying the surprise he felt at her stopping him, and Ayane gasped with shock at the bare emotions she could see dancing over his face. Swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat as she registered the regret, longing, and … tender look in his eye, Ayane released his arm, forcing hers to fall back to her side.

“What are you trying to say?” she asked, a mildly pleading tone to her voice.

Pin smiled gently, as if he found what he saw as he looked down at Ayane amusing, before shaking his head with a mild laugh, “I won’t finish what I ‘started’, to use your words, Ayane-” she gasped at the unexpected use of her first name “- Because you’re more than a brat to me,” he shrugged as though trying to lesson implication behind the words, and then added at Ayane’s perplexed look, “What, you think I wouldn’t follow you to make sure you got home safely if I didn’t care? I have better things to do with my time than follow random students home,” he finished with a scoff.

Ayane was still looking at Pin, her expression one of pure shock, “You … care … for me?” she asked slowly, uncertainly. The entire concept a foreign one to her - and not only because it was Pin saying it. “Why?” the question fell from her lips before she’d realised it had even formed on her tongue.

“I told you,” Pin sighed, his hand coming to rest on his hip, “Because you’re not a brat,” and then he looked at his watch and froze. “Aw no! My show’s started!” and then he looked down at Ayane, who was caught somewhere between amusement and irritation at the sudden topic change. Heaving another uncharacteristic sigh, Pin took hold of Ayane’s shoulders and quickly kissed the top of her forehead, his lips lingering there for just a moment before he pulled back. “Hurry up and go home,” he told her, a stern frown on his face before he began running at top speed back the way they’d come.

Dazed, Ayane raised a hand to the place that was still tingling from the kiss Pin had planted there. As she stood there, she felt a soft smile stretch her lips. Then Pin appeared over the top of the hill again, noticed she was there still and scowled, yelling down at her “Go inside!” before darting away once more.

With a laugh and a shake of her head, Ayane did turn and go inside, only to fall down on her bed the instant she entered her room. The smile still on her face, Ayane played with her hair as she thought, maybe it was possible she could come to care for Pin … If he’d stopped being such a useless teacher that was.

After all, only the most useless teacher would confess to caring for his student in a less than platonic way.


I hope you like it, Shoua! As well as everyone else - it's weird to try and make Pin even remotely serious when he's so OTT in the manga ...
But I was generally happy with the end result =D

And, I have no doubts that the manga is leaning in favour of AyaPin! Just look at chapter 45! If that wasn't an AyaPin moment, I don't know what was! <333

drabble-meme, kimi ni todoke, fanfiction, ayapin

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