Fic: The Dragon Has Three Heads (1/?)

Jul 22, 2012 10:59

Title: The Dragon Has Three Heads (1/?)
Author: phoenikxs
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Pairing: Dany/Jorah, Dany/Daario
Rating: G (for now)
Word Count: 918
Summary: ”Could I love Daario? What would it mean, if I took him into my bed? Would that make him one of the heads of the dragon? Ser Jorah would be angry, she knew, but he was the one who'd said she ( Read more... )

jorah mormont, dany/jorah, dany x jorah, daenerys targaryen, fanfic, game of thrones, dany and jorah, a song of ice and fire

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erolyn2 July 22 2012, 18:21:15 UTC

Ugh that last part where he walks in and Daario's sitting there. UGH. What an asshole. How dare he CASUALLY SIT.

Looking forward to seeing where you take this.


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 07:48:08 UTC
Hee, I love how Daario just evokes these strong reactions. How dare he sit, breathe or even exist?!

As I mentioned above, so far I only have a vague idea of where I want this to go, so I hope I manage to pull it off.

Can't wait to read your fic, though. Any progress?


erolyn2 July 23 2012, 14:50:06 UTC
Progress is slow but existent.

Trying to decide if I want to break it up into chapters at this point, because I have like...three chapters worth of material right now.


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 15:08:42 UTC
Three chapters worth?! WOW.
I'm definitely going to vote for breaking it up into chapters and posting the first one right now!!


erolyn2 July 23 2012, 15:15:12 UTC
Yeah the problem is, the first chapter is the one I'm stuck on. :-P


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 15:20:07 UTC
Ah, I'm starting to see your dilemma ;)

Let me know if I can help in any way.


mrstater July 23 2012, 11:33:47 UTC
I just have to echo this comment about how dare Daario just casually sit. He is an asshole just for existing, you are right, LOL.


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 11:53:23 UTC
Bwahaha, I love how we all agree on this.
He does go to a lot of trouble to be as offensive as possible, doesn't he? Blue hair, gold teeth...


mrstater July 23 2012, 13:03:25 UTC
The daggers with the nekkid lady hilts, which make me think of these:

... )


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 13:17:57 UTC
LOL, so perfect! Totally reminds me of this bandshirt boyfriend owns:

... )


mrstater July 23 2012, 13:32:06 UTC
So...are you saying Mr. Phoenikxs is kind of a Daario? ;)


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 13:40:40 UTC
Noooooooooooooooooooooo *shudders*

Ew. No way. He's a total Jorah. From the scruff to the "explain the world" mentality down to his nickname.


mrstater July 23 2012, 13:47:44 UTC
Hehe. That works. You have Jorah, and I have Richard. ;)


phoenikxs July 23 2012, 13:53:01 UTC
LOL, we managed to divide Iain up rather well, didn't we ;)


(The comment has been removed)

phoenikxs July 23 2012, 14:38:13 UTC
LOL, of course, my dear. But I warn you, your booze expenses will go through the roof ;)


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