"I felt that, after all, nobody loved me, and decided in this blue mood to go off to the National Museum and eat worms."
--Richard Halliburton, The Glorious Adventure
I sit here still, chilly and battling heavy eyelids. But I'm almost done with my Halliburton book, and I'm doing so well with this read-a-thon that I refuse to let it vanquish me this close to the end.
Title of book(s) read since last update:
The Glorious Adventure, Richard Halliburton
Number of books read since you started:
3 read, 2 completed
Pages read since last update:
Running total of pages read since you started:
Amount of time spent reading since last update:
1 hour
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!)
19.25 hours
Mini-challenges completed:
Where In the World Are You Reading?
Bookish Humour
Other participants you’ve visited:
Shauna from
Reading and Ruminations Prize you’ve won:
None so far!