hour 6

Oct 09, 2010 11:04

I can't believe hour 6 is almost over, and the read-a-thon is already a quarter over! It's been fun, but I was getting a little frustrated reading Tintenherz--the story is certainly engaging and it's fun to read in German, but it takes me much longer than reading in English does. I decided to switch to a book in my native tongue.

Some years ago, one of my grandfathers told me, very out of the blue, that I should read Heart of Darkness. He then explained, "It'll make you want to run right out and drop a lot of acid."

I haven't noticed that effect so far. XD But it's beautiful writing and I'm enjoying it nonetheless.

Title of book(s) read since last update:
Heart of Darkness

Number of books read since you started:
2 read, 0 completed

Pages read since last update:

Running total of pages read since you started:

Amount of time spent reading since last update:
50 min

Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!)
4 hours, 40 min

Mini-challenges completed:
Back-in-the-Day Children's Book Mini Challenge
Six Word Celebration
Show Me the Books

Other participants you’ve visited:

Prize you’ve won:
Hour 1 meme!

lolol, read-a-thon

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