Aug 30, 2009 00:19
Nathan reminded me today about For those unaware, it's a site on which you make an account and then create a list of life goals, which you can come back later and either give up on or mark as accomplished.
I hadn't visited the site in months. The first thing on my list -- which means that at the time I created my account, it was important enough that it was the very first goal I added -- was "overcome my codependency." And today I crossed it off the list because when I thought about it, I realized with some shock and delight that I had. I have. I can has cured!
I should explain that back in high school when I started the list, I put it on there because it was something I yearned for pretty desperately but didn't expect. I was trapped in what I have now come to recognize as an abusive relationship, with little outside emotional support; I foresaw no end to said relationship because at the time I didn't realize my unhappiness was so far from normal; and I assumed that the goal would be on my list forever because, somehow, I didn't deserve to reach it. My ability to cross it off the list now is proof that I've made serious progress, far more than I believed myself capable of a few years ago.
I'm pretty proud of myself and seriously grateful to the people I am now surrounded with -- I'm a happier and healthier person these days than I ever thought I could be.