spring quarter schedule

Feb 26, 2009 10:38

My favorite part of being at university (perhaps, possibly, besides the student discounts on things, the proximity of lots of friends, and the lack of real responsibility as far as careers and money are concerned) is picking classes. It's fascinating to look through the catalog and see how many interesting things there are to study, and the anticipation of learning such interesting things is delightful.

I had that pleasure this morning. Here are the classes that made the cut and are on the schedule for my final quarter at UCSC:

CMPS 5J: Introduction to Programming in Java
lecture TuTh 2 - 3:45; lab Mo 11 - 1
I had intended to take an astronomy course, History and Evolution of the Universe, but to my dismay it was cancelled last week. That bums me out somewhat, because I had hoped to frame my Bachelor's Degree in astronomy courses and now I can't, but it does give me the opportunity to take Java (the classes were to have met at the same time). I've always really liked the programming courses I've taken, so I look forward to this one -- and maybe now I'll understand what Chris was complaining about having problems with, back when he took Java a few months ago.

LTPR 107B: Reading Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Part II
lecture TuTh 12 - 1:45
I'm taking Hieroglyphs Part I this quarter, and I've quite enjoyed it. I have to admit, though, that part of the reason I'm taking it again is that it's an upper div literature class that requires no essay-writing whatsoever. As of this quarter, I am absolutely over writing essays.

POLI 70: Global Politics
lecture TuTh 6 - 7:45, section We 8 - 9:10
This class will satisfy my last Gen Ed requirement, which is the main reason I'm taking it, but I've always wanted to take a politics class, since I feel like I have no understanding of it whatsoever. The description says that the class will examine current political events and political systems around the world, which sounds really interesting, and probably will be useful for an intelligent consideration of life and the world as well.

PHYE 30L: Yoga
studio WeFr 9 - 10:30
My great hope for this class is that it will improve my flexibility enough that I'll be able to touch my toes (or better). I'm taking a chance on it because it's taught by someone new; I tried to take yoga my sophomore year but the instructor irritated me too much and I ended up dropping out. Every other word she said was "belly," which is one that just grates on me.


I really wish I had room in my schedule for CHEM 80N, Introduction to Wines and Wine Chemistry...it sounds fascinating. Unfortunately, it's at the same time as the politics course, so the Gen Ed requirement has to take precedence. Maybe I can find a similar course at a community college, post-graduation.

milestones, nostalgia

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