Star Wars plans and weekend stuff

Mar 13, 2006 11:52

So this tuesday is an off tuesday in my gaming schedule and I was wondering if people wanted to come hang-out tomorrow night and make Star Wars characters/goob about the event/just hang out. (Sorry xarcoss and avrilis! unless that is I can pry you away from your improv...mwahahaha!) I'll be here aroung 6:30ish people are welcome to come by and hang out. Might grab food, might not.

So this event was awesome! I really had a blast even though Malcolm went through the emotional grinder. Went into a fight knowing we would lose, knowing those I cared about would probably die, and was very right. Unfortunately that meant I really wasn't in the fight, I had already lost before we engaged. No good at all. Afterward, I was so sure we were going to lose Bulwyth (or however you spell that) for good. Ugh. First time I've really been scared at an SI event. Had a blast! I hope everyone else did too, people were really in character this weekend.
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