(no subject)

Dec 18, 2009 09:40

I'm doing pretty well. My jaw doesn't hurt too bad. I grow through spurts of pain by my Ibuprophen works pretty well. I managed to eat ramen with egg for lunch and for dinner i downed some tortellini and one of those instant breakfast drinks. Ive decided Jello sucks to eat. It moves too much so i cant control where it goes and im trying really hard not to get stuff into the holes/slits in my mouth. Pudding is much easier to control and so is yogurt and ice cream just makes me happy right now. Its been the last meal i have before bed the past two days.

My sleep schedule is off because i have to wake up at weird times to take pills. However, i am now only on 3 medications. 2 for teeth and my BC. I just took my last decadron 30 minutes ago yay! I hate taking multiple medications. Sometimes i have trouble walking straight. It kinda feels like my equilibrium is off.

However, today im going to try and go to the movies to see Avatar with adam. It will very much depend on how i feel when he calls but hopefully i will be able to go.
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