Jul 16, 2008 02:38
Well everything went okay. No bleeding to death and as far as i know no infection. Just itchiness where the gauze the tape covering the gauze are at the moment. But i get to remove that tomorrow so hopefully that will make it not so itchy...and i can wear normal shirts instead of ones that are 3 sizes too big.
Surgery went fine. I was pretty much semi-conscious the whole time. I can remember them cutting into me and sewing me up. The scraping out of the fat stuff i can't remember. I was either "dreaming" (more like seeing random images in front of my closed eyes and hearing the doctors and nurses talking) or i was entertaining myself with the monitor. You know the thing that shows your heart rate. There was a white bar on the monitor in particular that i decided to play a game with. I had no clue what it was and at first i thought it was to show my breathing cause whenever i'd exhale the white bar would go down and whenever i would inhale it would go up. So i started experimenting. I'd stop breathing to see if something would happen but it never did so i guess it wasn't measuring my breathing. Can you tell i was high on anesthetics?
Yesterday and today i've had some discomfort but the pain pills have helped with that a little bit. Still a little uncomfortable every now and then and the damn thing itches..as i've said before. Sleeping last night was welcome since i was sleepy after the procedure but didn't let myself sleep until semi-normal sleep hours cause if i had taken a nap right when i got back from the hospital i wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep when i normally sleep. However since i sleep on my side my body is quickly learning not to sleep on the left cause you know it'll hurt
Watched the first Hellboy with Kat and Alyssa last night and today they came over and we played GH3 and Brawl. Alyssa and i furthered the work cathy and i did the other day in unlocking characters in Brawl. YAY!!! If you can't tell im on pain medication right now so this post might be all over the place and a little wacko. Then again a lot of my posts are like that so you might not be able to tell a difference at all
But yes everything is fine. And Katie congrats on your paycheck!!