It's hard to write a post about oneself; one takes so much for granted ...
... but, okay, that first sentence probably told you all you really want or need to know.
The cold, hard facts: I'm English, female (I think that one's self-evident, but you never know), older than your average LJ or, indeed, internet user, a cat person, a book person, and a media fan of very long standing. The long standing may or may not account for why I suffer from chronic tiredness, but that's by the by. I've been
phoebesmum for about eight years now; I'm also A S Lawrence for fan fiction writing purposes, and have been many other things in fandom over the years, including, oddly enough, me.
My fandoms are almost all TV based, and I classify TV shows according to a bizarre and Byzantine grading system of my own devising. There are one or two shows that, for completely irrational reasons, I dislike so much I can hardly stand to hear them mentioned. There is a vast swathe that I'm wholly indifferent to. There's another substantial wodge - this includes nearly all police procedurals and hospital dramas - that I'll watch cheerfully enough if they happen to be on but wouldn't shed a tear if I never saw another episode. Then there are quite a few shows where I faithfully watched every episode of the first season and then just somehow forgot to pick up the next one. There are lots of shows that I love - Firefly, Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, Carnivale, Farscape, Torchwood, Highlander, The West Wing, Fringe - and watch devotedly, but about which I'm otherwise not fannish at all. And, every so often, along comes a show that consumes my life to a quite admittedly psychotic degree. In the dim and distant past it was the original Battlestar Galactica, then Quantum Leap; for the past six years it's been Sports Night, and still is. The closest thing in years to a new contender was Dollhouse, and see what happened to that.
I'm not sure what conclusions can be drawn from any of that other than that it's lucky that I don't gamble, as I appear to have an uncanny knack of picking the underdog.
Oddly, given the above, I don't actually watch that much TV, but I am addicted to the internet and have, from time to time, to be forcibly removed from my PC. I held out for the longest time on getting a laptop as I knew that that would be the first fatal step on the slippery path to never getting out of bed at all.
Other interests: film, although I seldom have the chance to go to the cinema any more; theatre, ditto. My favourite author is Georgette Heyer, with Diana Wynne Jones a close second. And Bruce Springsteen can call me any time he likes.
I check out LiveJournal as a matter of course every day, and read all the personal posts (I skim the communities somewhat), even when I don't always comment. I adore meeting new people, making new friends, and finding new interests.
Maybe even getting hooked on a show that'll last for more than one season ...
ETA: All of the above has been rather superseded, as I'm presently battling peritoneal cancer. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.