End-of-year fanfic round-up 2009

Dec 31, 2009 17:53

Fan Fiction


Make This Beggar a King - a crossover with Dollhouse, in which Danny is framed on drug charges in order to have him recruited by Adelle DeWitt. There is no excuse for this, it just hit a whole bunch of my kinks and absolutely had to be written so as to get it out of my head before it drove me mad. Not, I fear, a crossover that is guaranteed to win the hearts and minds of fandom. On the other hand, since I wrote this at the very end of February and all I had managed for the year till then was three drabbles, it was a relief to have written anything at all.


Too Late to Say You're Sorry - a sequel to Make This Beggar a King - evidently I didn't quite manage to get it out of my head - giving the story from the Sports Night team's point of view, and throwing in a few snippets of Danny-as-Active for good measure.


Morning's Echo Says We've Sinned - a third instalment of the same. Pure self-indugence, this: I wanted to get Danny into bed with Adelle de Witt, and so I did just that. By sheer coincidence, the episode that aired the week after I'd posted this had Adelle taking evil (but hot) advantage of Dear Little Victor, which possibly means I managed to Joss Joss, or something.


A Light That Never Goes Out - old! Casey/Dan fic written for oxoniensis's June 2009 porn battle from the prompt years gone by.


Plus Seventeen: Mutatis Mutandis (Flux and Flow Remix) - seventeen connected ficlets from assorted points of view, written for remixredux09 and remixed from 17: Both a Constant and an Ever-Changing State by mardia.

What's Left Behind - written for smallfandomfest 05 from the prompt Dan/Casey: the ex(es). Rebecca meets Lisa and discovers why she and Danny could never have made things work out.


Three fics for Yuletide 2009:

The Heart is in the Home - written for aderam's prompt: ... I love all the characters on this show. But Dan is my favourite because of his hilarious lines and serious woobie moments. And I love how he's made his own family out of the people at Sports Night, especially Natalie as substitute sister and Isaac as father-figure. I'd love a story about Dan and family (both biological and chosen). If you choose to go sad please at least include some good banter and a happy ending. Bonus points if you include stuff about Hockey because it's my favourite sport. I went with a family theme that tied in almost all of the characters from the show - focusing on Danny, of course, because he's my favourite. kmousie beta-read and advised, and I owe her a huge debt of thanks for this and many other things.

The Devil You Know - written for dipenates's prompt: Dan/Casey slash or friendship. Angstiness would be awesome, but schmoop also welcome. Alternatively/additionally, angsty Natalie (especially an episode tag for "Mary Pat Shelby") would be fabulous. This is Natalie-Dan friendship, filling in some backstory to the whole Rebecca debacle, but I hope that it went some way toward filling the bill.

Mistletoe and Wine - a stocking-stuffer from Laura's prompt: Anything holiday-ish would be great. In which both Jeremy and Dan learn that other people's rituals are not without their benefits, and Casey comes prepared.



When I'm 64 - written for sn100's challenge # #175, Rewind: rewinding to challenge #153, Beatles song titles; in which Casey discovers unwelcome evidence of ageing.

Moment of Truth - double drabble written for sn100's challenge #176, Gossip: in which Casey and Dan find themselves at a turning point - and in two different minds.


A Black Fly in your Chardonnay - written for sn100's challenge #178, Irony: in which Casey and Dan dissect marriage, and Alanis Morisette.


Girls in Their Summer Clothes - written for sn100's challenge #179, Spring: in which Dan and Casey go on holiday and enjoy the pretty scenery.


Gadarene - a double drabble written from smalltwndreamer's prompt a drabble where Dan and Casey talk about swine flu: in which Dan and Casey do not talk about swine flu …


Dress Rehearsal Rag - a triple drabble written from a request for original fic: someone tentatively proposing to their mobile phone. You may take this as original fic, or you may, more probably, take this as unnamed Dan/Casey.


Perpetuum Mobile - my first attempt at a slashthedrabble prompt; this was prompt #211, Rest. As in, Danny doesn't.


Skyrockets in Flight - written for sn100's challenge #180, Fireworks: in which Dan and Casey … have sex. That's pretty much it.


Black Dress Shirt - written for slashthedrabble prompt #217, Black; Danny looks good. Again, that's about all there is to it.


Fly Away Home - a double drabble written for slashthedrabble prompt #224, Flight - mostly just from grim determination to write something. It took me almost a week to spit out 200 words, and it was like pulling teeth. Horrid feeling.

Flight Risk - a triple drabble written for slashthedrabble prompt #224, Flight, a sort-of sequel to the previous one only in a different universe. Or something. By way of contrast, this one happened overnight. My mind is a worrisome place to live.


Restless Nights - a 500-word ficlet written for slashthedrabble prompt #225, Fight - Casey and Lisa fight, and Dan … Dan is Dan is wonderful.

Kind of a lean year this year; that's partly due to the demise - inevitable, I suppose, but still lamented - of sn100, and quite a lot due to, well, entropy. Things might pick up next year; they might not; they might grind to a total and final halt. It doesn't really matter any more anyway.

fanfic, year-end roundup, writing, sports night
