It's not as though I didn't pretty much sleep 9-5 every day as it is

Aug 09, 2009 20:24

It isn't a waste of a weekend to spend most of it sleeping, is it? Not if you're tired?

Did very little today other than a trip to the local garden centre (seriously: that's what qualifies as 'fun' around here) to look for a birthday pressie for Sabine, Bicestershire being something other than the retail capital of the universe - other than charity shops, of which we have, at last count, eight. Do not know how successful we were as I don't really know S that well, but I am proud of myself for not having bought myself a pink suede cowboy* hat. You don't know how close it came. I might have succumbed if I hadn't just bought another and rather nearer-and-dearer birthday pressie online this morning. And if I wasn't going to be short around £150 this month on account of those sick days I had. Bastards.

I'm scritching around the
yuletide website in the vague hope of finding something I might be able to write on there. I am sure that some of my current level of discontent is not having any writing challenges to pursue, and I thought that might help. I was reasonably happy with the Howl-Chrestomanci fic I wrote last year, after all. Unless anyone else has any better ideas, and/or requests. Y/N? (I don't know why I ask, I don't really think that me and my writing endeavours - or even my writing endeavours and I - are of any particular interest to the rest of the world. But you never know, someone might be able to ***inspire*** me.) ('Inspire' would have had sparkly skyrockets around it there, if only I knew the HTML to make that happen.)

Bizarrest Facebook contact ever today, from one of the little girls who used to live next door to us in High Wycombe 40-odd years ago. Presumably not a little girl any more ...

Upside: no throwing up this weekend. Win, I say.

* Not sure if it was technically a cowboy hat as it was made in Australia, but I suppose they have cows there too.

i have no tag for this, writing, tired, random
