The great Hobbit massacre, and other stories

May 06, 2009 20:35

Today I have:

1) Been to work, duh;
2) Been to the cinema* with some of the people from work (to see Wolverine, which was very shouty and bangy, much as you would expect, but delivered in terms of the promised naked!HughJackman and some other pretty young men also);
3) Taken a long time to get home because the not-so-local cinema is on the other side of Oxford and they don't bother much with signposts;
4) Got home in one piece (there was some doubt about this along the way);
5) Made JennyAnyCat LEAVE THAT FROG ALONE and come inside;
6) Phoned my dear Mother and wished her happy birthday as she is 92 today and no more barking mad than she has been all my life and probably all her life too;
7) And shortly I shall be watching Eleventh Hour, though I don't really know why, it's not very good and Rufus Sewell is not my idea of hot. He seems like he ought to be, but it all goes wrong somewhere*.

I am still dizzy, however, and also still lacking book recs. Not that it matters, I doubt if I'd read them anyway. I have Reader's Block.

Judy, meanwhile, is out drinking with the usual science fiction suspects. Gosh. All this, plus seeing my brother and sister-in-law the other day, plus going out for a meal on Friday - it's almost like being normal people with social lives. Not, much, but a little bit like.

Maybe one day.

* I am pretty sure that the last film we saw in the cinema was Stardust. When the cinema's that far away, you have to really want to see the damn film.

** PS: Never, ever, ever be an Old Best Friend of a hero in a TV show. Bad things will happen to you. The only think worse you could be is a veteran cop with a week to go to retirement.

cats!, tellystuff, mad family, busy, cinema, people
