(no subject)

Nov 24, 2012 14:18

More busy days --  Thursday at work was a bit hectic due to JC needing to leave at 12:30.  These days I aim to have all the ordering finished by noon and then go straight into my break, rather than work through the lunch rush and leave at 2.  Finances have been a bit tricky lately so the orders were a bit smaller than they have been in the past and I was done with time to spare.  A lovely day, really, as the guy cooking offered to make me something nice for lunch (we're usually only allowed the cheaper stuff) and in the six months we've been working together we haven't exactly hit it off.  I find him a bit loud and crass and never really connected with him the way I have with most of my co-workers.  So lunch was lovely if a bit quick (I only get 30 minutes).  A whole slew of people to see me throughout the afternoon and then home.  Home was a bit tricky as D has a cold and J had been squawking all afternoon and D had really reached his limit.  Also, I was running late as I had some phone calls to make before I left work and the wind was pretty much blowing me off the road, which meant I had to walk part of the way home.  Blah.  So I came home feeling all of these nice things and walked into something not so fun.  I'm trying to see it from D's perspective.  I mean, there are days when he comes home and I'm not exactly beaming.  Still, I ended up being the slightest bit deflated.  Things picked up once the kids were in bed and we were in our room watching Friends with Kids.  Wow, I forgot how awesome Jennifer Westfeldt is, both as a director and a writer.  She manages to find all of my insecurities, lays them out on a chopping block and hacks into them with a knife.  Ouch.

Yesterday [Friday] was a bit busy as I had to start my shopping for the street fair next week.  Yikes.  I'm really looking forward to it, but am trying not to think about it too much lest I end up feeling overwhelmed and unprepared.  Took J to the park for a bit on the way home and had a lovely time with him racing around saying things like, "Look!  It's another go out!" whenever he stuck his hand through the gaps in the fence.  Home eventually for lunch and a nap, then cycled back to get the older two from school.  The late afternoon was absolutely lovely with B doing equations, D and M playing Othello and J chatting away while I cooked what M describes as a "feast".  M has decided to jump on the bandwagon and stop eating fish.  He announced this at dinner last night (salmon, dal, rice and salad).  This leaves D and J eating fish.  D is less than pleased about this, and sees this as my choices influencing the kids.  I pointed out that B hasn't eaten fish in years, but that didn't help.  Lovely bottle of wine, though, which we managed to finish while I did some post-dinner baking for the cafe.

I cycled into town this morning to deliver said cakes, and managed a quick coffee alone with a book I probably read years ago.  One line was particularly thought provoking - I can't remember the exact words and am too lazy to look for the book and translate the sentence, but it was something along the lines of how the person who asks when they will see each other again is the one who loses in love.  Or some such.  Popped into work as well and said hello, then shot off to the market to get some garlic.  M has gone to a friend and then we're expecting company for dinner.  D is feeling lousy - I really hope he perks up.  And company is always an excuse to get the cleaning done....

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