(no subject)

May 08, 2012 20:29

Kids came home today with the lasted OFSTED report.  Not good, i'm afraid.  Apparently in one area the school is merely "satisfactory" while in other areas the school is seriously lacking.  Mind you, this is all based on 30 minutes of observation over two days.  Am I supposed to believe this drivel?  Sounds like the inspectors spent more time on the report than observing the teachers and the kids.

To be honest, I'm really not worried.  I don't think that much has changed in the last few years.  But some of the parents are really taking this to heart.  On top of this, our headteacher is retiring in July and (I suspect) is unhappy about leaving with this cloud overhead.  On the other hand, perhaps the new headteacher will be able to go about passing the next inspection better.  I have a sneaking suspicion that doing well on an OFSTED inspection is akin to passing the driving test.  It doesn't matter how well you drive, if you screw up the test then you've blown it.

To make matters worse, the inspector always includes a letter to the children at the end of the report.  I was almost embarrassed to let B read it. How can the inspectors undermine the teachers in this way?  Telling these kids that their teachers are doing a poor job is just wrong.  


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