Friday, March 30, 2007

Mar 30, 2007 20:50

Dear Journal,

Tim never ceases to amaze me. This morning, after waking up, I ask him what he'd like to do, and you know what his response to me was? Let's get a kitten. A kitten. As if it weren't enough to smother me with love and affection every night, and sometimes durning the day as well, he has to go and say something like that. We went to the mall's pet store and got the most adorable kitten. She's black with white paws and big green eyes. She's so cute! We agreed Jade was a good name, and that was that. Tim got everything little Jade would need, and I got to carry her in my arms right out the door. She's adorable, and completely lovable. I can't wait to show Ty. At the moment, she's batting at the fraying strings of my jeans. It's so cute!

I just hope the Professor won't mind. I mean, we'll keep her in Tim's room, since, to a kitten, it's pretty big, so it won't be like anyone with allergies will mind. Plus, if we ever both the room, we can just shut the door. She shouldn't be much trouble; cats never seem to be. It's mainly puppies that are rambuncious and hyper. Speaking of, there was this beautiful white husky pup at the pet store too. She looked amazing. I just hope she gets taken out of there soon; she was absolutely gorgeous.

Well, it's Jade's feeding time.

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