Apr 22, 2008 21:47
God damn... spring quarter already!! this year has been going by fast. i basically have a month left of school. jesus, i'll be a friggin' junior next year.
anyway, the quarter started off alright. it was good in the beginning, but now it's getting a little harder to keep up. math 156 is kicking my ass right now. i did get a B on my first exam!! yay!!!! that hasn't happened for me in a looooooooong time! now it's tough and i don't know the material well.
women literature is going alright too. it's interesting, just a lot of reading and a group project is due on the 12th!! argh.... i hope we do good.
phy. geo is good. my teacher is good, except that he goes off on tangents and what not. the fist test wasn't so good. i realized the next day when i had lab that some of the material that was on the exam was in the lab the next day. i was pissed! it wasn't fair that he did and the other people who had lab before the exam knew the stuff a little better. then corinna asked him in class about it the next day and he was kind of an ass about it. he said he's not going to change anything and that's the way it is. i wonder if we should go talk to someone about it....
then i have v-ball and tennis. i like vball right now just cuz i know everything we are doing. tennis is fun if i can get some good shots in!!
in other news, my aunt passed away early monday morning at 5:30. i think she's my aunt. she's really my mom's aunt so she's my second aunt?? i don't know... it doesn't matter. she was still apart of my life and of my family. she is greatly missed. i wish i could have saw her this summer for the fam reunion but i was in Louisiana. my mom and my other aunt saw her this weekend before she passed away but she wasn't looking so good. she wasn't for a few months.
so it's been a hard couple of days.
other than that, it's just school and homework. kyle's bday party is next next weekend. going home for that.
i want to fing party w/ peeps before this quarter ends!!! jerks!! i'm jk about the jerk part.
anyway, i should do some reading for english! i'm ready for the friday again....