Aug 25, 2005 15:39
heh. Inspired by the meme that has you post links to entries from the past (I would do it myself, but internet time at the library is precious), I was looking over my entries from the last few years...craziness. Even just a year ago. Things were so different, and I was so different, and so were my friends. I am glad I have this thing, though, because it seriously is nice to have all that stuff written down somewhere (because Lordy knows that I am not as diligent with my paper journal as I ought to be), and all of the little mini-correspondences. *warm fuzzy feelings*
I have an interview tomorrow, for a 'real' job, I hope it goes well. *sigh*
I NEED to start working...things at this Plaza restaurant have been SLOW...I have had 2 interviews, 2 uniform checks, and now it turns out that I won't be able to even have my ORIENTATION until Tuesday. grr!! I need money, bad!! *sigh* I hear the money is good at this place, so I am sticking it out, but...PUT ME ON THE FLOOR! PLEEEEZE!
Things in my personal life are crazy, just crazy. That's all I really want to say about that right now. bleh. *sigh* But I have good friends, though, I really do. *heart.*
My head is pounding.
I have shit to do here at the li-berry.
Take care of yo'selves, y'all.