Mar 03, 2005 12:44
I've been thinking about changing my major to Nursing. I have always wanted to work in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), but never thought I would end up there. I was also thinking about child psychology, but there are way less options in a psychology major than in a nursing major and since i get bored so easily, I think it'd be better to do the Nursing thing. Mom has worked in so many different arenas and she is ever excited about me switching my major. If, that is, I do switch. If. If I work in the NICU, it'd be like three 12-hour shifts a week and then I'd have plenty of time to do whatever else I needed to do - I COULD HAVE A LIFE.....I guess that is what I'm saying. I could also do a lot of things in ministry with the spare time I'd have.
well i'm bored of this and of everything else it seems so i'm off to take the shower