Sorry folks, I'm on a real Cthulhu binge right now. I dont know, there's just something about a 10 story tall multi-dimensional, god-like, insanity inducing being that really gets my motors running. I saw Swan Lake Remix last night at me school. It was so bad that it was good. There were parts that were so riwangulous that I couldn't stop laughing. Adam as the big nasty villain was HILARIOUS. He had this intense stare the entire time that just floored me. This morning I went with Boo to a kick boxing class over in MLT. It was fun but goddamn am I sore. Taft's class was nothing compared to this.
Chrissy had this on her LJ, and it was just so cool that I had to put it on mine: My favorite was: Stimulation for Body and Cthulhu.
Ah classic.