C&C Application

Jul 03, 2011 00:00

NAME: Crissy
AGE: 23
JOURNAL: nerditude
IM: ffffudgesicles
E-MAIL: ensigncris@gmail.com
RETURNING: mightymortal DC(o)U/Shazam!
midnighting Wildstorm/The Authority
kingofatlantis Marvel 616
themouthymerc Marvel 616/Deadpool

CHARACTER NAME: Terrance "Terry" Ward / Trauma
FANDOM: Marvel 616/Avenger's: Initiative
CHRONOLOGY: After getting the snot beaten out of him by Dani Moonstar, but before the Total Personality Rewrite er, off-screen training...
CLASS: Anti-Hero??
ALTER EGO: Terry Ward, student/intensely brooding teenager.

Nightmare: the demon who is in charge of, well, Nightmares! He's generally incapable of interacting with the physical realm, unless through other people.
Registration Act: The Registration Act was a piece of legislation that required all people with superpowers to register with the government and receive the training to properly control themselves so as to avoid disasters like the one in Stamford.
50 State Initiative: A program with the intention of training enough superheroes that professional super-team could be assigned to combat super-threats in every state.
Camp Hammond: a military base built in Stamford, where the Initiative recruits (including Terry) were trained.

As a young woman, Terry's mother Naomi joined a cult, hoping to get closer to its charismatic, attractive leader. She managed to catch his eye, and when he chose her above the others to sleep with one night, she discovered she'd made a grievous error; the man she'd thought was merely the head of a phony cult was truly the servant of the demon Nightmare. Possessed by his Master and acting as a conduit, Nightmare impregnated Naomi either that night, or some night over the next two weeks.

It was at that point that another member of the cult, a man named Jerry Ward who had fallen in love with Namoi, helped her to escape while the rest were asleep. He married her and adopted her son as his own. They went on to have another son some years later.

Terry himself grew up feeling like he'd never quite been accepted. His relationship with his parents was strained, though it was never revealed to him that Jerry was not his biological father. By the time he was a teenager, he began to express his frustration with his parents and the rest of society by joining with the Goth crowd, and after being humiliated by a hallway full of classmates one day by a cheerleader, his abilities manifested and he transformed uncontrollably into her own, and a few of the other students' worst fears. This included one of his best friends at the time, when she was trying to comfort him and he hadn't yet managed to calm down.

Immediately leaving school, he began to take homeschooling in isolation, so he wouldn't be a danger to his peers. Unfortunately, he accidentally used his powers again at home after getting into an argument with his mother, transforming into the demon Nightmare; this drove her insane, and into a catatonic state, where she has remained since in a mental asylum.

Shortly after, his father sent him to join the army in the 50 State Initiative, and though Terry initially refused to go, not wanting to train his power or learn to use it at all... an argument with Jerry triggered his ability and he saw what his father feared. His father was afraid that he would end up killing Terry if he stayed in the house any longer, posing a threat to his little brother, Jerry's own son.

Boot camp didn't go much better for Terry. During a training session, only shortly into his stay at Camp Hammond, Terry's abilities caused a fellow cadet to panic and begin firing her ultimate weapon blindly, killing a third cadet named MVP. Ordered to keep the events of the incident secret by his commanding officers, Terry began to suspect that he would be kicked out of the program and sent to jail for being completely dangerous and out of control.

During running through obstacle courses with the other cadets, he lost it once again and transformed into MVP when the trainee named Abby drove herself into a severely anxious state while they were talking about him. When Hank Pym tried to intervene, he shifted into Pym's worst fear, and had to be calmed down by Justice before being sent to detention the CO's office.

Convinced now that he'd be dropped from the program, he was shocked to find that his powerset made him infinitely valuable to the military, what they called an "Omega Level" threat. He was to be assigned a personal trainer; Dani Moonstar.

Frustrated that he was to continue using the powers that he had grown to resent and blame for everything wrong with his life, he snapped when Beast from the X-Men (Dani's escort) called them a gift, and proceeded to - what else - shapeshift into their fears.

He gets ported in right after getting his Demon Bear shaped butt handed to him by Dani.

Terry is an incredibly damaged boy. Being unable to confide in his parents and isolated from his former classmates before the Initiative, and then getting more or less ordered to keep his growing and ever-compounding sense of guilt and self-loathing to himself after joining it, he has a lot of psychological problems that very much don't help his control issues. It only made matters worse when he traumatized his fellow initiates and found no support amongst them after the death of MVP, so understandably one of the most noticeable facets of his character is his belief that he is alone in the world, and being constantly set upon by all sides.

This tends to manifest a case of dramatic teenage misanthropy. At this point in his timeline, he makes a concerted effort to push people away, often snarky to anyone attempting to get closer to him, and occasionally even outright rude. He thinks he's doing it for their own good, but instead of learning to cope with his abilities and gaining the ability function in polite society, he's probably just making things worse for himself.

He also seems to have the youthful delusion of invulnerability, tinged by a small dose of arrogance after having been told that he is an Omega Level Threat. He is very much convinced that he's an unstoppable menace to everyone around him, especially the people he likes, and he's highly resentful of his powers because of it. He's also sensitive about them, and how others view them, aware that being a walking phobia-dispensing machine is a very supervillain skillset. At the core, however, he is still a good kid, which shows when he later fights the influence of his demonic Father's possession.

Growing up with such a strained situation at home, Terry is more than a little starved for affection, and though he tries to deny it to himself, he does still want friends. Hopefully in the City, he won't be too much of a brat to make them.

Phobiapathy: Terry can sense fear in others, and when near them can tell what those fears are, specifically.
Limited Shapeshifting: He can then transform into said fear, right down to having the same abilities and memories of it. In order to be effective, Terry can't be more than a few yards away from a target. Also, he can be forcibly detransformed if his target overcomes their fears by challenging him.
Immortality: Though he can die physically, Terry's body will eventually resurrect itself, healed of any previous damage. In the City, that will manifest as him coming back to life somewhere between 2-4 days after death depending on how violent it is, provided no one embalms him or anything (in which case it'll take at least a week, or longer.) Also, his body won't disappear in that time.

[Terry's in one of the MAC apartments, dressed in his Initiative shirt with the cheesy "T" Trauma logo on the front and some camo pants. His hair is falling into his eyes as usual, but he still manages to give the camera a world's least impressed teenager look.]

This is stupid. How can there be so many superhero-types here and no one's found a way back yet? Aren't half of you supposed to be super-geniuses or whatever?

Look, that's not the point. I shouldn't be here. And nobody give me that "it's random" crap. [yes he does the finger quotes] I shouldn't be here. And none of you want me here, trust me.

Terry's first thought, the very first thing to pop into his head when he realizes he's not in Kansas anymore, is: holy shit, did he just get kicked into an alternate dimension for pissing off an X-Man?

The grinning computer doesn't entirely dissuade him of the notion, but by the time he's out on the street he's pretty sure it was just one big cosmic accident. (Besides, hadn't Dani Moonstar lost her powers?) Either way, he's totally done with this whole stupid hero thing. He's never talking to another X-Man again, and if ever has to hear another drill sergeant in his lifetime, it'll be way too soon.

He's feeling pretty confident about that (and absolutely nothing else) as he makes his way towards where they'd offered the free housing. It was late, but it wasn't like he was afraid of the dark. He was lost in thought, grousing internally and trying to figure out his new cellphone "network device" when he heard it.

There was a scream, from not even half a block away, and angry shouting. It didn't take being Batman to realize what was going on. Somebody was getting mugged.

For a second he's frozen in place. He can't move. A thousand things run through his head, running the gamut from disbelief to indignation to trepidation, and he ends up blurting out, "what, seriously? Am I in some crappy superhero movie?"

The mugger glances over, jumpy and running high on adrenaline. The gun he's holding swings around towards Terry before he really gets a good look at the skinny, wild-haired teen. And laughs. "Who are you supposed to be? Get the hell out of here, kid." But it's too late. Their fear is already washing over him, thick and inescapable, he can feel their hearts racing and all the horrible things in their heads, just clamoring to get out.

To fall into him.

Terry bares his teeth, and he can feel his hair rising on end. "Me? I'm nobody special. Just your worst nightmare."

I'll be putting up an opt-in permissions post for his powers if he gets in!
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