Apr 05, 2013 18:09
So yeah, I haven't updated here in a good long while - since the end of January - so what's happened?
Well, not much. I've been back to the parents for a very brief bit of Easter. I've failed to get back into swimming. The main problem is that NOT swimming is now routine, and trying to break out of it in the mornings requires me to overcome the laziness of sleepybrain. And the afternoon is not a good time to go swimming in the university pool, it's just too busy a lot of the time, and many days you'd only have lane swimming available then which doesn't gel well with me not kicking off the sides on each length.
I've gotten a preventative asthma inhaler, and now that I'm taking it, a lot of what I've been feeling over the past year or so - weariness, depression and generally being a bit of an antisocial grump - goes into a whole new light. The doctor hasn't put me on a repeat prescription yet, but considering the massive spike my peak flow chart's taken since I started taking it I'll probably get it.
I was hoping that I would magically have all my energy back and dart back into swimming, but that didn't happen. As ever it's a matter of willpower that I'm not sure I have anymore.
I think I need to channel more of myself into projects to keep my interest up, so I've been working on Mythica Obscura (my long running Scion dice roller and character keeper program project), indexing my DVD collection so I can try and organise it a bit more efficiently and I'm starting to think about actually doing something with my two Nanowrimo novels.