Confession Tuesday: Where? What? edition

Nov 22, 2011 11:59

Confession Tuesday

I confess complete, somewhat unnerving levels of exhaustion. Been keeping up my regimen of vitamin c and herbs. Unfortunately, one of the most important elements in staying well - sleep - has been in short order recently.

I confess that between the Somerville vs Jamaica Plain Dance Off (dancing from 8:30 PM-12:30 AM, then biking home), volunteering with Community Servings Pie in the Sky (enormous bake sale) lifting boxes until 9:30 PM last night, and tonight's 40th Annual Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, for which I'm the event manager, until 8:00 PM -my exhaustion is no one's fault but my own!

I confess that I have a lot more compassion for myself than I may have indicated above.

I confess that I met last weekend's goal of working on my novel, and prepping it for submission to my writer's group.

I confess that I received an encouraging email from my mom today, and it actually made my morning:
It amazes me how you find the time to write beyond - as though occupational "pen to paper" is not overly time consuming.
You are truly a writer!    
An engaging, thought provoking and endless writer!!
So looking forward to being energized by your next communication!!!
-Luv Ma."

I confess I keep having waves of feeling in over my head, and then I get things back under control. Well, not control, but something like it.

confession tuesday, writing

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