I am officially on the first personal vacation I've taken since I was laid off from my last job at CCBN (if we don't count my trip to France and Germany last spring, which I consider more of a visit-cation.) It's pretty exciting. This morning I woke up at the same time I do to go to work but, instead, I took a walk with the cat (who is very receptive to leash-walking, shockingly), caught up my mom while enjoying the view in the arboretum, didn't clean or make the bed, got a haircut, and came to the library to do blog-research and bask in the beautiful library-ness of the BPL main branch.
Of course, in true Phoebe-style, I have a list of what I'd like to accomplish (in the loosest possible fashion) before Thursday next week.
Birthday/holiday weekend 2011
Canoe/rowboat with the boy on the 4th
Dinner at Ten Tables
Potluck with Liam's friend community
Hair cut (check!)
Finish jean quilt (?) by Sunday (??!)
Work on my work-in-progress
Decide on new format for blog and implement (!!!)
QT with boy and cat (check on the cat!)
Mow Debra's lawn
Mulch front yard
Buy items to make terrariums on Sunday at the potluck
Friend time
Letter to Kelly (?)
Ideas for letter to Jacqueline Woodson, as per the boy's suggestion
Update accounts on Mint
Decide on summer plans with D
Budget with D
Birthday massage (paid for by Mom)
Install shelf in kitchen with the boy
Start knit socks
Research gifts to make for the fam for my
101 Goals listMake a fish blackboard with the boy
Visit Ian at Copley farmer's market
Buy new cloth pads from Etsy (another b-day gift from Mom)
Clean the apt.
Mail birthday CD to Stadi
Catch up on baby book of the month club
Clean hall closet
Clean Byron (the Toshiba netbook on which I write)