I confess that it gladdens my heart to see skateboarders wear helmets.
I confess that, for the first time in a public place, I discovered someone listening to my iTunes music library. I was excited, because I’m constantly listening to others when they pop up in the Shared icon in my player. I was sorry to shut my computer down and wished I could somehow find out exactly what they were listening to.
I confess that I’m finding more and more opportunities to do work not-at-work. For example, today (and many days) I’m working at the CPL. This is not new, so much, but my feeling of cautious freedom is! Previously, it became a point of conflict between my supervisor and myself that I was spending time offsite, which resulted in me feeling nervous about it, and also resentful that she was trying to “control” me. Now, though, we’ve worked it out that I leave pretty much whenever I want, as long as things seem to be calm around the office/and/or I’ve got a lot of writing/reading to do -and I always give her a heads-up. I’ve even started checking in during the day via email -if I’m gone all day. The best part? The Executive Director left with her laptop one day to go do work at the CPL! Who’s the trendsetter?
I confess that I’m now the owner of a blue KitchenAid stand mixer that I didn’t pay for! Didn’t ask for it (well, I did ask the cosmos in the most general, well-that-will-never-happen sense), but there it is in my kitchen. A gift from the Exec Dir (see above.)
Impressed by my experience (above), I’m wondering if a Lemond bike will somehow come to me, un-purchased and unasked for except in the most general, you-never-know/stranger-things-have-happened way.
I confess that I love when all the young things come out in the warm weather -birdlings, slightly smaller squirrels (‘cause who ever sees true squirrel babies?), lil skunks, babies nestled to their dads and mom in cotton pouches, sassy high school students . . .
I confess that I had a fantastic morning! Here’s why:
- Sunny and warm
- Delicious and inspired breakfast made by the boy
- Played with the cat
- Walk in the Arnold Arboretum (i.e. “my backyard”) with the boy
- Cleaned and washed dishes to James Brown a'singin'
- Passed my favorite dancing-in-the-community partner Emily on my ride to Cambridge
- RC with partner #3 (who I’ve recaptured!) -I had a fantastic session, he had a weird one (his words)
- Made known my wish for a Lemond bike
- Connected with my partner’s partner (owner of fantastically rosy cheeks, which I somehow hadn’t noticed before,) who I realize talks like me! She’s got similar phrasing and energy. Huh. Agreed to teach the partner and the daughter how to crochet.
- Talked to an older dude in the Whole Food parking lot/bike rack section bout his Lemond (whoa)
- Found some POM jars on the side of the road in a free pile (I’ve wanted these for years!) and talked to a fellow trash picker about free soap
- Had a delicious lunch (courtesy of the boy, and freshly made salad dressing from my co-counseling partner) and started on Whistler-work at the library -where I saw an ex-co-worker and friend (also a fellow practicer of RC) wearing a smashing hat from Salmagundi (incredible hat shop in JP)
I confess: (above) WOW!