Confession Tuesday: What's this rich text business edition

Jan 18, 2011 22:53

It's been a long time since I've confessed...

I confess, that is occurred to me to switch to using rich text (with all the easy-edit tools) from regular html lj-ing.  Duh.  Now I don't need to remember that annoying LJ-cut tag!  Though I will miss the bold and italics tags.  I mean; , -so cute!

I confess that I'm very, very tired, but I'm working on that.

I confess my new futon (see below) is like a giant pillow. We should name it "nine."  As in cloud.

I confess that last weekend was spectacularly successful.  I got readin' and relaxin' in, but also quality time with the boy (and the cat, and the plants!) as well as writing, shopping, and crafting.  We bought a new futon mattress!   I even watched a movie that I liked!  Incredible!

I confess that the above confession really deserved all four exclamation points.

I confess that I'm taking another approach of "attack" with regarding to improving my relationship with my brother: short, earnest, admiring text messages.  We'll see how this one goes.

I confess that something about hanging with the boy's newish music friends (the Baby Mammals, not the Clear Deigns) reminds me of my scene shop days.  Smart, quirky white boys sitting around slinging weird facts and zingy observations.

I confess that I've started using the phrase "pull a liam" when talking about a habit my favorite co-counseling partner exhibits that I either want to emulate, or find amusingly reprehensible.  I'm fairly sure this phrase can, and perhaps should, be adapted to fit all my friends.  It's a great tool to honor the awesomeness and the ridiculous.

I confess that I haven't missed riding my bike these past few weeks.  Could be the rain and snow and sleet and whatever else winterness.

I confess when I type the word "January" in MS Word on my work computer, it automatically wants to change it into "January Gill O'Neal.'  Although I completely sympathize with the computer's effort, I am rarely actually writing about my friend Jan, and thus must wrestle it back.  Down, Word!

confession tuesday, the boy, weekends

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