I am clearly an idiot.
It's almost 2 a.m. and I've been playing my pirate video game for about *counts on fingers* um, 10 hours?
Have to be up at 6 to get donuts and bagels for the freshman since their advising starts at 8 and there's no place for them to eat on campus at that time. Which means that I'm going to have to channel my beloved
gracielu just a little and operate on very little sleep and lots of caffeine.
That being said...the pirate game totally rocks! I'm such a nerd. And I'm really not a very good pirate. although I did finally manage to complete the 3d challenge (after several failed trys).
Talked to mom today. She said everyone is doing okay--but next week is Dad's trip to Houston for the consultation and possibly surgery. I can't think about it too much or I get all weird. Well, weird-er.
Right. going to bed now. although miraculously I do not feel sleepy.
hope everyone is doing okay!