Nov 23, 2006 23:40
So today wasn't too bad, especially since I had to work. It was really dead today at work, it made yesterday seem crazy, but then again I did only work from 1-6(you know the time when everyone is eating). I may have missed dinner with my family, but I got to eat dinner with my good girl friend Michele. We had Cornish Hens(which ruffly translates to tiny chickens), some nice stuffing michele made, and, the best part ever, cranberry sauce! I went out and bought some cookies and cream pie-like dessert and a double chocolate, caramel apple. The dinner was great and afterwords Michele and I watched Stepford Wives, one of the movies she bought the night before.
Yesterday was great! After work, Beth and I planned to spend the night with Michele, but before that I had to do a little shopping...I went to like 10 stores in under 20 mins or so, that's like 2 mins spent in each! They were all preppy store so, of course, it had to be quick. Those places scare me sometimes. It was kinda funny to see Beth trailing behind me like a little lost puppy ^_^ Then after that we were off to Michele's house and off to rent some movies.
Me, Beth, and Michele rented the movie 'The Audition' from blockbuster, which kinda sucked, and Michele and I bought like 4 other movies(they were on sale 4 for $20). So I was able to buy my(new) fave Japanese scary movie 'One Missed Call,' for like $5! And I even found 2 more copies for both Beth and Michele, who also love the movie. Talk about lucky, cause there was only like 3 in the entire pile!I have really good luck at the oddest of times...
I also bought several other foreign movies, one of which we watched. It was called 'Pulse,' and yes we Americans have no originality any more, cause we did copy the Japanese version(they so made it 1st). Oh, and just to show you how unoriginal we are, there was this scene with a plane on fire that was falling from the sky and crashed that looked exactly like the American version of that scene. As a matter of fact, the only difference(that I could tell) was the woman in the scene, she was a semi-dark haired Japanese girl, not a blond whit girl! I think we just used a green screen and remastered it a little! American movie makers are such cop-offs these days! You know, it used to be the Japanese that copied us, now it seems to be the other way around! Go figure right? Oh and get this, some time next year American is gonna release it's own version of 'One Missed Call!' God, I really hope they don't screw it up, cause I really like the Japanese version! We really suck at movies these days, especially remakes(we have no originality any more) and those based off books. Though, I will say, our version of 'Pulse' wasn't that bad. You'd understand more if you've seen the Japanese version. Don't get me wrong or anything, I really liked the Japanese version. It's just that the Japanese are more psychological, while we're all about the instant fright and gore.